The Weather Where You Live?

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Cool and overcast. Perfect baseball weather on the North side of Chicago. Who's the idiot who schedules these openers in April? I took my wife to a game in Chicago in April a few years back. COLD as anything. Only took one time to do that one! We won't be going until late May this year.
Bit like the NRL and AFL over here, extend the season and add more fixtures, means more money and knackered p;layers at the end of it. Just my thoughts.
They are clever when they do the giveaways too. They fit 43000, but the only the first 10000 arriving early get something. Prices are up. When we went in April, it was a towel giveaway, temps around the 30s. In July, it was 90 degrees and blanket giveaway day
The district sent out an email letting us know about the potential snow storm and the likely hood of online professional learning day
Last weekend: 19C / 66F, calm winds and sunny. Now: in the middle of a major snow fall .... 25 cm / 10 In. And blustery. Wonderful. Actually, March and April are our heaviest snowfall months, and the weather here is always bonkers.......
Started out with rain. Falling temps throughout the day. Rain changed to snow. Tomorrow is going to be a deep freeze. All the slushy snow is going to freeze hard. The roads are gonna be crap for the next few days before things warm up.

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