The Weather Where You Live? (5 Viewers)

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At 0615R it's only 37F, but it's suppose to be a nice day, in the mid to high 50's, plenty of sunshine and a very nice day. Maybe I can get some of these leaves off my lawn, today !!

Rain, hail and gale force winds up here in Lancashire recently and still happening as I type this. Temperatures around 4/5 degrees Celsius. No snow or frost yet though - touch wood.
Cold here a few miles further south. Hail last night, and about an inch of snow earlier today. Been raining with more sleet and hail rest of the day.
A bit on the cool side, today, temp is only 42F, with rain off and on. A stiff breeze out of the west, too. Temps expected in the high 30's tonight.


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