The Weather Where You Live?

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That is a tad warm, keep the fluids up, 1 beer + 1 water. Don't want you to dehydrate.
Did copious amounts of water this afternoon - now that it's evening and the day is done, I'm switching to copious amounts of beer!

By the way, it's now 21:22 and the temps have dropped to a much cooler 115°F (46C), time for another beer!
(Galileo) Galileo, (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro, magnifico

Spent the day getting the yard ready for the hurricane. Looks like it will be a cat 1. We are on the east of the projected landfall and far enough north that storm surges is not an issue. It should be a fast mover and hopefully no flooding in the yard this time.
Looks right now like my house is a direct cross hair for the eye, no storm surge for us, but calling for around 80+ mph surges

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