The Weather Where You Live?

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It's 26C here in Johannesburg, South Africa. About 6/8 cloud cover, very humid, looks like a thundershower or two later on today...Been like this solidly for two weeks already, though most days it's been 30C. As nice as that sounds, the constant rain and humidity is not fun. The lawn grows so damn fast in this weather, I spent all yesterday mowing and as a by-product, mowing over and breaking the pop up sprinklers concealed beneath the prolific lawn...
about 2c here , too warm for my new year plans as the concert will be in a field of mud as opposed to frozen turf , so onto plan b , but I don't have a plan b yet
The temperature is going down. Some of frost has appeared and water in puddles is freezing now. But no snow though.
A cold front is moving through our area tonight. Temps, in the morning, expected to be in the low 20's (F), and maybe in the teens.

I'm afraid it will do in my winter vegetable garden.

60F and sunny. Felt like spring out. Its days like this when I love to have a job outside. It doesn't quite make up for all days of cr@ppy weather I have to stand out in though.

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