The Weather Where You Live? (2 Viewers)

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After the hottest summer on record, it's cooling off. Daytime temps in the mid to high 70's (F), night times in the mid 60's (F). We also has one of the wettest Augusts.

Yesterday it was raining almost all day long. Today it's a sunny but cold day. The temperature 9-14°C.
Starting to cool down here as well. Average day time temp is only around 72 F right now. Today we only had a high of 62 F.

Supposed to get cold this weekend. We are on a Freezing warning this weekend, with temps supposed to drop to 29 to 31 F Saturday night.

Crazy to think that just a few weeks ago we had temps hovering between 95 F and 107 F.
36 hours of solid rain, all major routes closed due to flooding, 2hours to do 17 miles this morning on trip into work.
More rain to come for ,next 12 hours as well...... NOAH where are you ?

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