The Weather Where You Live?

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Hurricane Issac about 90 mile to the SW attm about 20-25mph sustained I guess with gust was blowing harder I think at 5pm yesterday.If he moves N to NOLA then later today will be interesting.They say we had 12-14' tide surge going now which should mean Hwy 90 should be 100% underwatrer?On top of that we expect to 10--15" of rain and someplaces in excess of 20".
Well parts of 90 and downtown Biloxi are underwater attm.Isaac is getting alittle closer by a N movement of late and starting to see some good 50mph gust often and more rain of course.
Javlin, Isaac is headed this way too. We have flash flood warnings until Sat. and they are predicting a major rain event for Friday. We could make up our rain deficit in one day which is not good. In addition our lake, Bull Shoals is the bottom lake for a chain of 5 other lakes going well up into Missouri. So all that water will end up in the lake. Last spring we saw lake levels rise 8ft in ONE day. We were out there moving the dock inland about every hour for an entire day.
We NEED the rain but....
Right now Mike we are sitting at about 8-10" since yesterday seems like it should be higher :dontknow:.Just had a Tornado touch down a couple of blocks from my nephews house in Ocean Springs.The squall lines are still rumbling through and the one associated with the tornado was hammering the crap out of the glass on the south side of the house.It has been raining pretty much non stop(80% time)for almost 24hrs now and not expected to quit till tomorrow afternoon or night!!Had a 70mph gust in Gulfport the most around my house has been 40-50G and alot of those,alot!

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