The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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Heavy snow overnight just down the road, we got buckets of rain again, cold and windy 12C and it's supposed to be spring. Forecasting 25C day after tomorrow.
0542 and it's snowing in the mine. Kinda fitting as yesterday on satellite radio I heard ole Bing Crosby singing his guts out about a "Winter freakin' Wonderland". With a lot of people learning to drive, it should be an interesting day.

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Around 10C.
Heavy rain : standard weather for an autumn here in Champagne.
Gives me good reasons to go search and cook mushrooms, have a good vid and a meridian.
I love rainy days !
Well, so far today, we've had rain, cold wind, sun, warm and calm, cloudy, clear skies

Currently we have nice clear skies and a warm breeze, but that will change soon...

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