The Weather Where You Live?

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Buckinghamshire today right now at 15.50pm it's very fine drizzle, mild, overcast and getting dark. A miserable glum winters afternoon.
Yesterday it was snowing for a half of the day. Then it got warmer and the mix of snow with rain started coming down. The temperature hit 0C/-1C in the evening and the fog appeared. Now the fog is still here limiting the visibility to 20m or so.
The temperature was about -4 °C on the day and is going to hit -7 °C at night. It was snowing all day long. It is sprinkling barely at the moment.
After three days of rain, the sun is out. Suppose to go into the high 60's (F) today. Meanwhile, the western part of the U.S. is under a blanket of snow.
And the poor folks in Australia have hot weather and forest fires. There outta be a law !!

Contrary to the weather in the Oz here it was snowing quite severe all the afternoon. The temperature was -4 °C during the day and going to hit -7 °C at night.

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