The Weather Where You Live?

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Got up this morning, lowered my water level, got dressed, then opened the bedroom window blinds.
Aaargh! Several centimeters of snow had fallen over night. Mother Nature playing a joke after mid 60s F
Thankfully, it was almost gone by 1:30 this afternoon. :rolleyes:
It was a so-so day. It was raining in the morning then it was a sunny with clouds in the sky. The temperature about 14-16°C
Looks like summer has finally returned to the South ben in the mid-80sF (29C) and mostly sunny. We have been getting some rain though we are still behind for the month. Lake water level is been holding pretty constant but I still have had to move the dock once a week or so. Going to be in the 90s (+33C) Saturday then a cold front and rain. Be nice to get a nice long soaking rain 2 - 3in (4 - 6cm)

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