It went to 33F [1 C] this AM. Light frost on the cars. Suppose to continue
like this for another week. High today expected to be under 50 F. Windy,
cold riding the scooter !
Cold and a bit Windy. My bones can't handle the cold like it used to!
Getting time to put that scooter to bed for the Winter isn't it? I remember riding my Motorcyle on Thanksgiving Day many years ago, froze my backside off.
For mid-November it is chilly out there this morning. 16 F but with the wind it feels more like 5 F. (that would be -9 C without the wind, it's as cold as Germany!?..go figure!) Beautiful sun rise over the mountains, though.
Today it was partly cloudy and mild with a high of 5 C.
Tomorrow we are supposed to get hit by heavy storms with high winds and then on Friday the high temp is supposed to drop into the negatives with lots of snow coming on saturday.
High winds and about 4 C, temp dropping rappidly. Raining but will turn to snow tomorrow night when the temp dropps below 0 C and does not come back above 0 C for the remainder of atleast a week.
4°C and storm, rain etc. Luckily no snow as it could be very likely that we would be stuck at home and with my wife in the last few days of her pregnancy....