The Weather Where You Live?

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At 1400 EDT (1800Z) the temperature is 75 F with a slight wind from the
NE. Partly cloudy (i.e. party sunny). No rain.

Some dandy t-storms punching their way through central Texas this morning.
A little bit of hail, but nothing really serious...And we needed the rain.
Today it reached a high of 54 F. They say the beautiful warm weekend we had was the last one and a harsh winter is about to be upon us.

Woke up this morning and it was -1 C and the ground was covered in frost. Few more weeks and the snow should be here (as long as it is not like last year!).
Temperature about 10°C and will get down to probably 6°C at night.The day was sunny without the wind.A very nice day.:)
Today we had a high of 3 C and it snowed for the first time for a few minutes. Supposed to get colder and colder every day and Sunday we are supposed to have the first real snow and on Tuesday it is supposed to dump on us.

Winter is here...
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