The Weather Where You Live?

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At 1345, in Va. Beach, Va. the temp is 82F. Sky is very cloudy, slight
breeze blowing. Chance of rain is 70% (YEA !). We are 13 inches BELOW
average for the year, in rainfall.

fantasic sunshine outside

around 27c not a cloud in the sky....

And that's our problem. Australia is experiencing the worst drought in living memory. Children in some areas of Australia aged 7 years have never seen rain in their lives. The Government is now even offering farmers financial incentives to 'give up' farming. Desperate times and not likely to get better in a hurry-depression/suicide is on the rise in rural areas. Very sad.
First snow...


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Well I woke up today to the first real snow but it has all melted since. About 40 minutes from here they got about 2 feet of snow. We are supposed to get hit pretty big in the next week.

Right now it is 3 C and sleeting.

Winter has finally arrived!
Check this out...

Yesterday 75F sunny and breezy.

Today 30F and snow! About 1/2 an inch on the ground, but its not sticking in the streets.

Tomorrow its supposed to be in the 60s.

If you don't like the weather in Colorado, wait 15 minutes!!!!
Early in the morning some clouds and mist.Now sunny day, temperature 7 °C+
Some wind.
Well today the temps were about 4 C and the weather was terrible because of the Orkan that hit in the Baltic Sea last night. The snow became rain and hail all day. There has been some flooding in the low lying areas and there was lots of heavy wind and rain and hail.

Tomorrow it is supposed to be colder and snow for the next 3 days.
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