Then and now, photo blending in Dordrecht, The Netherlands

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Hmmm, it's not Dordrecht. I can do Amsterdam later, once we have this project finished

How about this?

So I posted this picture before, but in a different location. I got info that I had the location wrong. So I remade it at the right location.


Tried that already, but it just flashed up for half a second ( in Dutch), then vanished !
Saw your other post - bit of a dumb thing they did not mentioning where the photos can be seen !!

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On the 4 Th of May we remember the fallen. On the 5th of May, VE Day we celebrate that we have the freedom to remember. Remember guys, war is not always somewhere far away like in the Ukrain or Israel. It once was at our doorstep.

To celebrate our freedom, here a composite of the Canadian liberators driving through Dordrecht, my home city. Ironically 10 meters further up street from the last picture which marked the start of the war here, but 5 years apart, marking the end:

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