This day in the war in Europe 65 years ago

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EASTERN FRONT: The Soviet 2nd Belorussian Front begins attacks on German Heeresgruppe Nord in heavy snow conditions. The immediate success achieved in the fighting results in the cancellation of planned supporting artillery fire. To the south, Soviet 1st Belorussian Front (Zhukov) opposite Warsaw and to the south launches an offensive from the Pulawy and Magnuszew bridgeheads. The latter bridgehead is only 15 miles wide and 7 miles deep but contains some 400,000 troops and 1700 AFVs. Poor weather results in limited air support. The attack begins with a short artillery bombardment that targets the German 56.Panzer and 8.Korps of 9.Armee, part of Heeresgruppe Mitte(Harpe). Success is immediate and both corps are scattered. Meanwhile, forces of 1st Ukrainian Front cut the rail line to Krakow south of Kielce. Farther south in Hungary the Soviets resist German attempts to relieve Budapest and in eastern Czechoslovakia, they take Lucenec.

WESTERN FRONT: The US 1st Army achieves an advance 2 miles toward St. Vith in continuing attacks. British forces attacking southward from Laroche link up with elements of US 3rd Army advancing northwest from Bastogne.

(US Ninth Air Force): 280+ A-20s and B-26s strike bridges and communications centers in the base area of the Ardennes salient and in other areas of W Germany. Fighters escort 9th Bombardment Division and Eighth AF bombers, fly armed reconnaissance and patrols, attack numerous ground targets, and support the US First Army in the Vielsalm, Belgium area and the US Third Army around Diekirch, Luxembourg.

Support and 126 RAF training aircraft on a diversionary sweep over the North Sea, 83 Mosquitos to Berlin and 9 to Mannheim, 58 RCM sorties, 54 Mosquito patrols, 21 Halifaxes and 10 Lancasters minelaying off Oslo and in the Kattegat. 1 Lancaster from the diversionary sweep and 1 Mosquito of No 100 Group were lost; 3 Mosquitos from the Berlin raid crashed in Belgium and 1 RCM Liberator crashed in Holland. A further 7 aircraft from the sweep and 5 Mosquitos from the Berlin raid crashed in England because of bad weather.

GERMANY: The US 8th Air Force resumes strategic operations after a month-long pause caused by the Battle of the Bulge. (Eighth Air Force):: 2 missions are flown. Mission 792: 911 bombers and 860 fighters are dispatched to attack oil refineries and plants in C Germany and highway bridges at Cologne; clear skies allow all bombers to bomb visually; about 250 Luftwaffe fighters attack and the AAF claims 158-0-30 aircraft; 7 bombers and 11 fighters are lost: 1. 370 B-17s are sent to hit oil targets at Derben (186) and Magdeburg (90); 36 hit Hallendorf, the secondary target; targets of opportunity hit are the Osnabruck marshalling yard (8) and other (19); they claim 31-9-7 aircraft; 6 B-17s are lost, 1 damaged beyond repair and 121 damaged; 4 airmen are WIA and 149 MIA. Escorting are 295 of 331 P-51s; they claim 89.5-0-14 aircraft in the air and 3-0-5 on the ground; 5 P-51s are lost (pilots MIA) and 3 damaged beyond repair. 2. 348 B-24s are dispatched to hit oil targets at Hallendorf (145), Hemmingstedt (91) and Ehmen (89); 1 hits Wangerooge Island, a target of opportunity; 1 B-24 is damaged beyond repair and 80 damaged; 8 airmen are KIA and 1 WIA. The escort is 261 of 295 P-51s; they claim 14.5-0-0 aircraft; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA) and 1 damaged beyond repair. 3. 187 B-17s are sent to hit highway bridges at Cologne, the Deutz Bridge (71), the Hohenzollern Bridge (67) and the Rodenkirchen Bridge (36); targets of opportunity are Berg (1) and Cologne (1); 1 B-17 is lost, 3 damaged beyond repair and 92 damaged; 4 airmen are WIA and 10 MIA. Escort is provided by 40 of 42 P-51s; they claim 9-0-5 aircraft; 2 P-51s are lost (pilots MIA) and 1 pilot is WIA. 4. 6 of 6 B-17s fly a screening mission without loss. 5. 116 P-47s and P-51s fly a sweep over N Germany and claim 42-0-6 aircraft; 2 P-47s and 1 P-51 are lost (pilots MIA); 1 P-47 is damaged beyond repair. 6. 30 of 32 P-51s fly a scouting missions without loss. 7. 19 of 22 P-51s escort 12 F-5s and 4 Spitfires on a photo reconnaissance mission over Germany.

Mission 793: 2 B-17s and 5 B-24s drop leaflets over SE Belgium and Germany during the night.

134 RAF Lancasters of No 3 Group attacked the railway yards at Saarbrücken in clear visibility and without loss.

573 RAF Lancasters and 14 Mosquitos of Nos 1, 5. 6 and 8 Groups carried out two attacks, 3 hours apart, on the synthetic oil plant at Leuna. The attacks caused severe damage throughout the plant. Albert Speer, in his post-war interrogations, stated that this was one of a group of most damaging raids on the synthetic-oil industry carried out during this period. 10 Lancasters lost.

151 RAF aircraft - 136 Halifaxes, 12 Mosquitos, 3 Lancasters - of Nos 6 and 8 Groups attacked the railway yards at Grevenbroich. The raid was successful and no aircraft were lost.

115 RAF aircraft - 100 Halifaxes, 12 Mosquitos, 3 Lancasters - of Nos 4 and 8 Groups attempted to bomb a Luftwaffe fuel-storage depot at Dülmen, near Münster, but most of the bombing fell in open country south and south-east of the target. Only slight damage was caused to the fuel dump. 1 Halifax lost.

ENGLAND: In the English Channel 6 German motor torpedo boat flotillas operate in the estuaries of the Scheldt, Thames and Humber rivers during the night (January 14-15).

The last German V1 launched from an He 111 bomber lands on Yorkshire. The He 111s of KG 53 abandoned missile-launching duties of the Fi 103 V-1 Flying bomb at Bremen-Oldenburg due to a shortage of fuel. The specialized bombing force has lost seventy-seven Heinkels since beginning operations back on 9 July, 1944. Only sixteen are recorded as being shot down by Allied night-fighters with the remainder lost to the hazards of low-level flying, night operations and weather.

MEDITERRANEAN: In Liberated Greece A cease-fire is agreed between the British and the Communist ELAS organization. ELAS agrees to release all hostages it has taken except those accused of collaboration.
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EASTERN FRONT: Heeresgruppe North commits its reserves (7.Panzerdivision and Panzer Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland) to battle and these units inflict losses and delays on the Soviet 2nd Belorussian Front. Kielce falls to the 1st Ukrainian Front (Konev). To the south, the 4th Ukrainian Front (Petrov) also goes over to the offensive.

WESTERN FRONT: American forces encounter heavy resistance in attacks toward St. Vith. US 1st Army troops have reached Houffalize, cutting off remaining German forces to the west in the Ardennes salient.

The unescorted HMS 'Thane' (D 48) (A/Capt E.R.G. Baker, RN) was hit in the stern by a torpedo from 'U-1172' six cables 132° from Clyde Light Vessel. The escort carrier was ferrying aircraft when she was probably hit by a Gnat. She was towed to Greenock by HMS 'Loring' (K 565) and declared a total loss. Returned to the US Navy on 15 Dec, 1945, then stricken and sold for scrap. Broken up at Faslane in 1946.

HQ VIII Fighter Command moves from Bushey Hall, England to Charleroi, Belgium. HQ 64th Fighter Wing moves from Ludres to Nancy, France.

MEDITERRANEAN: An Italian naval squadron interned in Port Mahon (Minorca) since September 8, 1943, leaves for Malta.

(US Fifteenth Air Force): 400+ B-24s and B-17s escorted by 270+ P-38s and P-51s, bomb marshalling yards and other railroad communications in NE and SE Vienna, Austria and marshalling yard at Treviso, Italy.

(US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, operations resume as the weather clears; medium bombers concentrate on the Brenner rail line, flying nearly 150 sorties against bridges at San Michele all'Adige, Rovereto, Ala, Lavis, Santa Margherita d'Adige, and Motta di Livenza; the XXII Tactical Air Command attacks communications in the Po Valley and further N, destroying or damaging several bridges and a very large number of railway cars (most of them at the Como marshalling yard); during the night of 14/15 Jan, A-20s hit targets in the Po Valley, including Po River crossings at Borgoforte, Piacenza, and San Benedetto Po.

ENGLAND: The first civilian ship since 1940 leaves London for France.

GERMANY: (Eighth Air Force):: 2 missions are flown. Mission 794: 640 bombers and 782 fighters are dispatched to hit marshalling yards in Germany; they claim 14-0-19 Luftwaffe aircraft; 2 fighters are lost. 1. 223 B-17s are sent to hit marshalling yards at Ingolstadt (111) and Freiburg (107); 1 hits the Reudenstadt marshalling yard as a target of opportunity; H2X radar is used to bomb; 5 B-17s are damaged. Escorting are 183 P-47s and P-51s; 1 P-51 is damaged beyond repair. 2. 75 of 120 B-24 hit the secondary target, the Reutlingen marshalling yard; targets of opportunity are Tubingen (19), Urich (10), the Tubingen marshalling yard (7), Mahlberg (1) and other (1); all attacks are made visually; 1 B-24 is damaged beyond repair. The escort consists of 109 of 117 P-51s; they claim 1-0-0 aircraft without loss. 3. 253 of 297 B-17s hit the secondary target, the marshalling yard at Augsburg using H2X radar; targets of opportunity are Bobingen (29) and other (5) bombed visually; 16 B-17s are damaged; 1 airman is KIA. The escort is provided by 184 of 204 P-51s; 2 P-51s are lost (pilots MIA). 4. 156 of 167 P-51s fly a fighter sweep over Germany; they claim 13-0-19 aircraft without loss. 5. 62 of 63 P-51s fly a fighter bomber mission against the marshalling yard at Gensingen without loss. 6. 6 of 7 P-51s escort a Spitfire on a photo reconnaissance mission over Germany. 7 29 of 32 P-51s fly a scouting mission without loss. Mission 795: 2 B-17s and 7 B-24s drop leaflet on the Netherlands and Germany during the night without loss.

(US Ninth Air Force): In Germany, 16 B-26s hit the Simmern bridge to help thwart movement in the Trier area; the XIX Tactical Air Command escorts the B-26s, flies armed reconnaissance and patrols, and supports the US III and VIII Corps in the Houffalize, Belgium-Bastogne, Belgium-Wiltz, Luxembourg areas.

82 RAF Lancasters of No 3 Group attacked a benzol plant at Recklinghausen. The bombing appeared to be excellent. No aircraft lost.

63 RAF Lancasters of No 3 Group carried out a G-H raid through thick cloud on the Robert Muser benzol plant at Bochum. No results known. No aircraft lost.
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GERMANY: In Germany, Arthur Nebe is arrested. He had been director of Reich Criminal Police and member of Nazi resistance since 1938. He was in hiding since July 24.

(US Eighth Air Force):: 2 missions are flown. Mission 796: A planned major strike at oil and industrial targets in Germany is cancelled by weather; 627 bombers and 693 fighters are dispatched to hit oil targets; 2 B-24s and 1 P-51 are lost; due to heavy fog a large percentage of the bombers are diverted to various landing fields in the UK and on the Continent: 1. 364 B-24s are sent to hit the Rothensee synthetic oil plant at Magdeburg (61) and the oil plant at Ruhland (67); secondary targets hit are the marshalling yard at Dresden (138 ) and a tank factory at Magdeburg (61); 5 others hit a target of opportunity; targets are bombed visually and using H2X radar; 2 B-24s are lost and 8 damaged beyond repair; 3 airmen are KIA, 20 WIA and 22 MIA. Escorting are 368 of 392 P-51s; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA) and 7 damaged beyond repair. 2. 263 B-17s dispatched hit secondary targets, the marshalling yard at Dessau (146) and 2 aircraft engine plants at Bitterfeld (96); 4 others hit targets of opportunity; all attacks are made using H2X radar; 2 B-17s are damaged beyond repair; 1 airman is KIA and 3 WIA. The escort is 194 of 203 P-51s. 3. 68 P-47s and P-51s fly a sweep. 4. 19 of 20 P-51s fly a scouting mission. 5. 5 of 7 P-51s escort a Spitfire on a photo reconnaissance mission on Berlin and Misburg. Mission 797: 1 B-24 drop leaflets on Belgium during the night.

(US Ninth Air Force): 311 A-20s, A-26s, and B-26s hit road and rail bridges, communications centers, motor transport repair center, and other targets in Germany; fighters escort 9th Bombardment Division and Eighth AF bombers, fly armed reconnaissance and defensive patrols, and support US First Army elements along the battleline NE of Houffalize, Belgium, and the III Corps along the battleline SE of Houffalize.

371 RAF aircraft - 320 Halifaxes, 44 Lancasters, 7 Mosquitos - of Nos 4, 6 and 8 Groups dispatched to Magdeburg. 17 Halifaxes lost, 4.6 per cent of the total force, 5.3 per cent of the Halifax force. This was an area raid. Bomber Command claimed that it was successful, with 44 per cent of the built-up area being destroyed. No local report is available.

Zeitz: 328 RAF Lancasters of Nos 1, 6 and 8 Groups. 10 Lancasters lost, 3.0 per cent of the force. The target was the Braunkohle-Benzin synthetic-oil plant near Leipzig. Much damage was caused to the northern half of the plant.

138 RAF Lancasters of No 3 Group attacked the benzol plant at Wanne-Eickel. No results known. 1 Lancaster lost.

17 RAF Mosquitos to Mannheim and 9 to Hamburg, 55 RCM sortie Mosquito patrols, 23 Halifaxes and 8 Lancasters minelaying off Oslo and in the Kattegat. 1 Mosquito of No 100 Group lost.

JG 52's Hptm. Gerd Barkhorn is appointed Geschwaderkommodore of JG 6 replacing Oblt. Johann Kogler.

MEDITERRANEAN: In Athens, Greece, the National People's Liberation Army is defeated by government and British forces.

War action in Italy halts at the Senio River for the winter.

(US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy during the night of 15/16 Jan, A-20s exploit a break in the bad weather and blast motor transport around Genoa and NE of Milan; during the day bad weather returns, grounding the medium bombers and limiting fighter-bombers to 16 completed sorties against communications in the Po Valley and NE Italy; the 23d Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 3d Photographic Group (Reconnaissance), moves from Malignano to Peretola Airfield, Florence with F-5s.

WESTERN FRONT: A German naval mechanic accidentally fires a torpedo at a flotilla of 30 Biber midget submarines. They all explode in a chain reaction.

German submarine 'U-248' sunk in the North Atlantic by depth charges from the US destroyer escorts USS 'Hayter', USS 'Otter', USS 'Varian' and USS 'Hubbard'. 47 dead (all hands lost)..

There are attacks by the British 13th Corps near Roermond aimed at eliminating the small German salient west of the Maas. End of the Ardennes offensive. In the Ardennes the US 1st and 3rd Armies link up at Houffalize. Losses for the Ardennes offensive: 32.000 soldiers (24.000 Germans and 8.000 Allied), 2500 civilians; 1300 tanks, 1280 planes and 6.000 vehicles. An Allied offensive aimed at eliminating the German bridgehead across the Rhine River, 8 miles north of Strasbourg, begins about 0200 hrs.

The Norwegian resistance takes over North Norway.

EASTERN FRONT: Elements of 1st Belorussian Front capture Radom, an important industrial and communications center and an important position in the German defenses in Poland, while to the north other elements have encircled Warsaw and are fighting their way through the city. Most of the defending German troops have escaped to the west however. Troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, to the south, are making even better progress and have reached Czestochowa, about 15 miles from Silesia, in Germany. In the last three days , Soviet forces have advance up to 37 miles and created a breach of the German defense about 74 miles long.

231 RAF Lancasters and 6 Mosquitos of Nos 1 and No 5 Groups attacked a synthetic-oil plant at Brüx in Western Czechoslovakia. The raid was a complete success. Speer also mentioned this raid as causing a particularly severe setback to oil production. 1 Lancaster lost.
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EASTERN FRONT: The totally devastated city of Warsaw is cleared of German resistance by forces of the 1st Belorussian Front. The Russian 47th Army assaults across the Vistula, forcing the Germans to evacuate Warsaw, which is liberated the same day by the 1st Polish Army. To the north, troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front enter Modlin.

Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg is picked up by Russian NKVD secret police in Budapest, Hungary. He is not ever seen again in the West. During his time in Europe, he saved about 20,000 Jews from Nazi detainment.

WESTERN FRONT: Heavy fog along most of the front reduces Allied offensive action. The British 2nd Army, north of Sittard, successfully holds the village of Dieteren. The US 3rd Army reaches Diekirch.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): Mission 798: 700 bombers and 362 fighters are dispatched to make visual attacks on oil refineries at Hamburg and Harburg and Gee-H and H2X attacks on rail targets; 9 bombers and 7 fighters are lost: 1. 158 B-17s are dispatched to hit the Rhenania (40) and Albrecht (34) oil refineries at Hamburg and the U-boat base at Hamburg (73); 1 other hits a target of opportunity; German submarine 'U-2523' and 'U-2525' sunk at the Blohm Voss yard in Hamburg. German submarine 'U-2530' sunk in dock at Hamburg. 4 B-17s are lost and 88 damaged; 1 airman is KIA and 39 MIA. Escorting are 61 P-47s and P-51s; 3 P-51s are lost (pilots MIA) and 1 P-47 is damaged beyond repair. 2. 78 of 84 B-24s hit the Rhenania oil refinery at Harburg; 1 other hits Borkum Airfield as a target of opportunity; 4 B-24s are lost, 1 damaged beyond repair and 57 damaged; 7 airmen are WIA and 44 MIA. Escort is provided by 46 of 55 P-51s; 2 P-51s are lost (pilots MIA). 3. 458 B-17s are sent to hit the Paderborn marshalling yard (397) and the Schildesche rail viaduct at Bielefeld (37); 4 others hit a target of opportunity; 1 B-17 is lost and 6 damaged; 9 airmen are MIA. The escort is 108 of 118 P-51s; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA). 4. 80 of 87 P-51s fly a fighter sweep against a rail target without loss. 5. 25 of 28 P-51s fly a scouting mission; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA).

72 RAF Mosquitos to Magdeburg, 8 to Ruthen oil-storage depot and 3 each to Cologne, Frankfurt, Koblenz and Mannheim, 33 RCM sorties, 13 Mosquito patrols. No aircraft lost.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, medium bombers, taking advantage of improved weather conditions, attack 6 rail targets on the Brenner rail line, blocking the line at Calliano, cutting tracks at Ora, and destroying a section of the bridge at Sacile; in NE Italy fighters and fighter-bombers concentrate their large effort on rail lines and bridges, destroying 4 and damaging another, cutting tracks at numerous points, and blasting vehicles and trains; HQ 3d Photographic Group (Reconnaissance) and the 5th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron move from Rosia and Malignano respectively to Florence/Peretola with A-20s, B-25s and F-5s.
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EASTERN FRONT: Forces of the Soviet 2nd Belorussian Front capture Modlin. The 1st Belorussian Front and the 1st Ukrainian Front are threatening the Polish cities of Lodz and Krakow with encirclement. German troops of the 17.Armee begin to evacuate Krakow. 2nd Ukrainian Front takes Pest. Meanwhile, in Hungary, south of Lake Balaton, the German 4.SS Panzerkorps (Gille), part of Heeresgruppe South, spearheads a relieving attack with the aim of lifting the Red Army's siege of Budapest and nearly destroys the Soviet 135th Rifle Corps, an element of 3rd Ukrainian Front (Tolbukhin).

WESTERN FRONT: British commandos have landed on the Dutch island of Schouwen. Forces of the British 2nd Army are progressing north of Sittard and have captured the town and road junction of Echt. Fighting continues in the Ardennes. US 3rd Army troops have crossed the Sure River and are engaged in Diekirch.

(US Ninth Air Force): HQ IX Tactical Air Command returns to operational control of the Ninth AF (from the RAF Second Tactical AF) as the US First Army returns from the Twenty First Army Group to the Twelfth Army Group. In Belgium, HQ IX Tactical Air Command (Rear) returns to Verviers from Charleroi. Weather prevents all Ninth AF operations except for alert flights by 11 fighters of the IX and XXIX Tactical Air Commands. The 153d Liaison Squadron, IX Tactical Air Command (attached to Twelfth Army Group), moves from Rutten to Spa, Belgium with L-5s.

ENGLAND: Admiral Sir Harold Burrough is appointed Allied Naval Commander Expeditionary Force in succession to the late Sir Bertram Ramsay.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): Mission 799: Bad weather limits operations; 114 of 114 B-17s attack the marshalling yard at Kaiserslautern without loss; most are diverted to bases on the Continent after the raid because of heavy clouds; escort is provided by 105 of 113 P-51s with the loss of 3 aircraft and pilots. 6 of 6 B-17s fly a screening mission and 4 of 4 P-51s fly a scouting mission.

56 RAF Mosquitos to Sterkrade oil refinery, 12 each, on H2S trials, to Düsseldorf, Kassel and Koblenz and 7 to Ruthen oil depot. 1 Mosquito from the Sterkrade raid crashed in Belgium.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy during the night of 17/18 Jan, A-20s attack Po River crossings, lights and movement throughout the Po Valley; during the day medium bombers pound targets on the Brenner line, including a temporary bridge between San Michele all'Adige and Ora, and an overhanging cliff over the railroad at San Ambrogio di Valpolicella; fighters and fighter-bombers blast communications lines in NE Italy and fuel and supply dumps in the Piacenza area, destroying numerous railroad tracks, trains, and vehicles, and causing explosions or fires in most of the dumps.
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EASTERN FRONT: Soviet forces reach the German frontier in Silesia, and cross the 1939 Poland-Silesia frontier. Wloclawek on the Vistula falls to elements of 2nd Belorussian Front. Lodz is captured by 1st Belorussian Front forces. Troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front take Tarnow and Krakow, a former capital of Poland. Further south, Nowy Sacz is taken by the 4th Ukrainian Front. To the south, in Hungary, the German 4.SS Panzerkorps, an element of Heeresgruppe South, reaches the Danube River at Dunapentele and effectively cuts off most of the Soviet 3rd Ukrainian Front forces from its supplies.

(US Fifteenth Air Force): In Yugoslavia, 400+ B-17s and B-24s attack N and S marshalling yards, a railroad bridge, and a highway bridge at Brod; because of overcast, only 1 of 112 bombers sent against the Zagreb marshalling yard bombs the target while others abort; 46 P-38s bomb the S railroad bridge at Doboj and 59 P-51s sweep from Zagreb to Gyor, Hungary. Other P-38s fly reconnaissance missions and reconnaissance escort and cover Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force (MATAF) B-25s on a supply run.

WESTERN FRONT: In the north, Sittard is cleared of German resistance. In Alsace, German forces north of Strasbourg link up with other forces to further north.

(US Ninth Air Force): Bad weather cancels bomber operations; fighters fly patrols and armed reconnaissance; the XIX Tactical Air Command also supports elements of the US III and VIII Corps NE of Houffalize, Belgium and around Clervaux, Luxembourg, and the 5th Infantry Division around Bettendorf, Germany.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy during the night of 18/19 Jan, A-20s bomb motor transport movements, lights, roads, and railroads throughout the Po Valley; weather cancels medium bomber operations and prevents fighter-bombers from completing the XXII Tactical Air Command's only mission airborne during the day.

GERMANY: THE FIGHTER PILOT MUTINY: At the 'Haus der Flieger', the Luftwaffe's officer's club in Berlin, a delegation of high-ranking Kommodoren including Obst. Hermann Graf, Günther von Maltzahn, Gustav Rödel, Johannes Steinhoff and 'Hannes' Trautloft, confront Reichsmarschall Göring at a meeting in the club. Obst. Gunther Lützow, acting as the leader of the group, outlines the pilot's grievances with what is called their "Points of Discussion" including those charges of cowardice brought against the pilots, mismanagement of available forces and the growing influence of outsiders in fighter affairs. During the talks that last almost five hours there is a call to halt Generalmajor Galland's pending dismissal and reinstate him. By the end of the discussion Göring threatens to have Lützow shot and within hours has arrest warrants issued for Lützow and Galland for court martial. But after reflection, Göring rescinds the warrants and banishes Lützow to Italy as Jafu Oberitalien. Generalmajor Galland's punishment, even though he was not present at the meeting, is to be posted to the Russian Front as a Staffelkapitän of 4./JG 54, the lowest position for a General, but is saved by Albert Speer who tells Adolf Hitler about the events of the past several hours. Hitler orders instead that Galland set up a small strength fighter force using the Me 262 jet fighter. Galland is granted complete independence from the Luftwaffe and Galland himself is given powers equal to a Division commander. Jagdverband (JV) 44 is born. The name is a cynical reference to the Luftwaffe's failures in 1944 and partially as a numerical link to the first unit Galland commanded.
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EASTERN FRONT: The Soviet offensive against German forces in East Prussia achieves an important breakthrough in the attacks from the northeast. Tilsit is taken. All the Soviet fronts in Poland are moving forward despite the German resistance. 4.SS Panzerkorps reaches Danube in attack launched on 18 January. In Hungary, the fighting in Budapest continues but the Soviets now control the Pest half of the town.

The Hungarian Provisional Government concludes an armistice with the USSR, the USA and Britain. The Hungarians agree to pay reparations and to join the war against Germany.

WESTERN FRONT: French 1st Army (de Lattre) begins an offensive in the Vosges area near Colmar. Bad weather hinders the advance and the defense by the German 19.Armee is effective. Progress is gradually made however. To the north, in the Ardennes, the advance of US 3rd Army continues. Brandenburg is taken.

(US Ninth Air Force): Bomber operations are cancelled due to weather; fighters fly armed reconnaissance, alerts, and night patrol; the IX Tactical Air Command also supports the 7th Armored Division on the Dutch- German boundary.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force):: Mission 801: 772 bombers and 455 fighters are dispatched to hit synthetic oil plants at Sterkrade and rail targets and bridges in W Germany using H2X radar; they claim 1-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft; 4 bombers and 3 fighters are lost: 1. 36 of 309 B-17s hit the Holten oil plant at Sterkrade; 225 hit the secondary target, the marshalling yard at Rheine; 1 B-17 is lost, 2 damaged beyond repair and 68 damaged; 8 airmen are KIA, 33 WIA and 61 MIA. Escorting are 189 of 199 P-51s; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA). 2. 187 of 223 B-17s hit the Heilbronn marshalling yard; 8 hit the secondary, the Pforzheim marshalling yard and 2 hit a target of opportunity; 2 B-17s are lost, 1 damaged beyond repair and 18 damaged. Escort is provided by 39 of 48 P-51s without loss. 3. 170 of 230 B-17s hit the Mannheim marshalling yard and rail bridge; targets of opportunity are Stuttgart (24), Mannheim (21) and other (1); 1 B-17 is lost, 4 damaged beyond repair and 29 damaged. The escort is 130 of 137 P-51s; they claim 1-0-0 aircraft; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA). 4. 36 of 39 P-51s fly a fighter sweep in the Frankfurt area; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA). 5. 16 of 16 P-51s fly a sweep in the St Vith/Duren area without loss. 6. 16 of 16 P-51s fly a scouting mission without loss.

(US Fifteenth Air Force): 345 B-17s and B-24s attack N and S main marshalling yards and station sidings at Linz, Austria, marshalling yards at Salzburg, Austria and Rosenheim, Germany, and oil storage at Regensburg, Germany; fighters escort the bombers and fly reconnaissance and reconnaissance escort missions.

MEDITERRANEAN: The tactical organization of the Fifteenth AF becomes fully developed when a supply-dropping group, the 15th Special Group (Provisional), organized on 18 Jan, is given control of the 859th (B-24) and 885th (B-17) Bombardment Squadrons (Heavy) which drop supplies in France, Italy, and Yugoslavia. [In Mar, the 15th Group will be redesignated the the 2641st Special Group (Provisional) and with its units attached to the Twelfth AF for operational control, the Fifteenth retaining administrative control].

(US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, medium bombers destroy 1 and damage another bridge near San Michele all'Adige, and score good coverage on the Trento marshalling yard; the XXII Tactical Air Command fighter-bombers very successfully blast communications and fuel and ammunition dumps in the Po Valley.
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EASTERN FRONT: In East Prussia, Soviet attacks penetrate up to 15 miles. The 2nd Belorussian Front (Rokossovsky) forces capture Tannenberg (scene of a significant German victory over Russian forces in 1914). Tannenburg is captured, but only after the Germans removed Hindenburg's coffin and destroy the war memorial. Gumbinnen is also taken. Soviet 1st Belorussian Front (Zhukov) have reach Konin -- within 200 miles of Berlin -- along the road from Warsaw. The 1st Ukrainian Front (Konev) has penetrated some 20 miles into Silesia and threatens the cities of Breslau and Oppeln.

WESTERN FRONT: Witlz falls to the US 3rd Corps in the Ardennes. German forces are making a general withdrawal to the Siegfried Line.

German submarine 'U-1199' sunk off the Scilly Isles in position 49.57N, 05.42W, by depth charges from the British destroyer HMS 'Icarus' and the British corvette HMS 'Mignonette'. 48 dead and 1 survivor.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force):: 2 missions are flown. Mission 803: 912 bombers and 523 fighters are dispatched to hit industrial and rail targets in C Germany using PFF methods with some visual bombing; they claim 8-0-1 Luftwaffe aircraft; 8 bombers are lost: 1. 379 B-17s are sent to hit the marshalling yard (257) and oil plant (66) at Aschaffenburg; targets of opportunity are the Pforzheim marshalling yard (24) and military vehicle plant at Mannheim (3); Gee-H and H2X are used; 2 B-17s are lost, 2 damaged beyond repair and 4 damaged; 18 airmen are KIA and 2 MIA. Escorting are 112 of 139 P-51s. 2. 382 B-17s are dispatched to hit the marshalling yard (254), Lanz military vehicle factory (21) and highway and rail bridges (16) at Mannheim; targets of opportunity are the Pforzheim marshalling yard (16), Speyer (4) and other (3); bombing is by Micro H and H2X; 6 B-17s are lost, 3 damaged beyond repair and 53 damaged; 3 airmen are KIA, 12 WIA and 55 MIA. The escort is 138 of 150 P-51s; they claim 2-0-0 aircraft on the ground. 3. 152 B-24s are sent to hit the marshalling yard at Heilbronn (68 ) using H2X; targets of opportunity bombed visually are the marshalling yard at Pforzheim (11), the communications centers at Arnbach (14) and Mannheim (1) and Reutlingen (1); 4 B-24s are damaged beyond repair and 2 damaged; 3 airmen are WIA. Escort is provided by 120 P-47s and P-51s; they claim 6-0-1 aircraft on the ground. 4. 26 of 26 P-51s fly a scouting mission. 5. 6 of 7 P-51s fly an armed photographic mission over Politz. 6. 22 of 23 P-51s escort 4 F-5s on a photo reconnaissance mission over Germany. Mission 804: 2 B-17s and 9 B-24s drop leaflets in the Netherlands, France and Germany during the night without loss.

(US Ninth Air Force): In Germany, 166 A-26s, A-20s, and B-26s hit a rail junction and bridge at Euskirchen and marshalling yard and defended positions at Mayen; fighters fly armed reconnaissance, escort bombers, bomb bridges, and support the US 7th Armored Division.

76 RAF Mosquitos to Kassel and 4 to Mainz, 23 RCM sorties, 9 Mosquito patrols, 2 Hudsons on Resistance operations. 1 Mosquito lost from the Kassel raid.

The Me 262 night-fighter unit, Kommando Welter, suffer its first fatality when Oblt. Heinz Bruckmann is killed attempting an emergency landing near Wittstock, north-west of Berlin.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Fifteenth Air Force): 170 B-17s bomb the Lobau and Schweehat oil refineries at Vienna, Austria; 131 P-51s and P-38s provide support. 43 P-38s bomb an oil refinery at Fiume, Italy. Other fighters escort reconnaissance missions and accompany supply-dropping operations to Yugoslavia.

(US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, weather restricts operations during the night of 21/22 Jan to armed reconnaissance by 5 A-20s; the A-20s bomb communications targets in the Po Valley. During the day B-25s hit bridges at Rovereto and Lavis, destroy a bridge at Pontetidone, and blast a railroad fill at San Michele all' Adige, and supply dump at Cremona; fighters and fighter-bombers concentrate on communications in the same area as the medium bombers, destroying 1 bridge, inflicting 36 rail cuts, hitting fuel and ammunition dumps, and destroying and damaging many vehicles and much railroad rolling stock, mostly in Milan area.
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WESTERN FRONT: Four squadrons of British Spitfire planes knock out a German liquid oxygen factory at Alblasserdam. The Dutch factory which manufactured the liquid oxygen to fuel V-2 rockets was destroyed after its location had been traced by SOE agents.

The British 2nd Army is continuing its attacks in the Roermond area and takes St. Joost and other towns near Sittard. In the Ardennes, US 1st Army attacks all along the front between Houffalize and St. Vith.

In the English Channel German motor torpedo boats attack a convoy north of Dunkirk. Elements of the German 8th Motor Torpedo Boat Flotilla penetrate into the Thames Estuary.

In Belgium, HQ 70th Fighter Wing moves from Liege to Verviers. In France, the 514th Fighter Squadron, 406th Fighter Group, based at Mourmelon with P-47s, begins operating from Prosnes. The air echelon of the 417th Night Fighter Squadron, Twelfth AF (attached to 422d Night Fighter Squadron) operating from Florennes, Belgium with Beaufighters, returns to base at La Vallon, France.

EASTERN FRONT: As well as the attacks of 1st Baltic and 3rd Belorussian Fronts from the northeast, the German position in East Prussia is being threatened by the northwest advance of 2nd Belorussian Front toward the Elbing and Danzig area. In the attacks from the northeast Insterburg falls while in the other advance, Allenstein and Deutsch Eylau are taken. To the south, Gneizo is taken in the drive of the 1st Belorussian Front toward Poznan. Elements of the 8th Guards Army encircle 60,000 Germans in the city of Poznan.

In Hungary, the German 4.SS Panzerkorps, part of Heeresgruppe South, reaches the Vali River, only 15 miles (24 km) from Budapest.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): 2 missions are flown. Mission 805: 206 B-17s and 258 fighters are dispatched to make visual attacks on the Holten synthetic oil plant at Sterkrade (167); 1 hits the secondary target, the marshalling yard at Rheine; targets of opportunity are Dinslaken (12), Osnabruck (5), Heiden (8 ) and other (4); 5 B-17s are lost, 3 damaged beyond repair and 144 damaged; 13 airmen are WIA and 45 MIA. Escort is provided by 85 P-47s and P-51s; they claim 3-0-1 Luftwaffe aircraft on the ground. Other fighter missions are: 1. 128 of 136 P-51s fly a sweep in the St Vith, Belgium-Karlsruhe- Darmstadt and Kobenz, Germany areas, some as escort for Ninth AF bombers; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA). 2. 10 of 11 P-51s fly a scouting mission. Mission 806: 1 B-17 and 8 B-24s drop leaflets in the Netherlands and France.

(US Ninth Air Force): 304 B-26s, A-26s, and A-20s bomb a marshalling yard, railhead, and road and rail bridges in Germany with the aim of obstructing troop movement; fighters escort the 9th Bombardment Division, fly armed reconnaissance and sweeps and airfield cover, and support the US 7th Armored Division near Montfort, the Netherlands; the III, VIII, and XII Corps from S of Saint-Vith, Belgium along the battlefront to NW of Echternach, Luxembourg; and the 4th, 5th, 94th, and 95th Infantry Divisions from Echternach, Luxembourg S to just W of Saarlautern, Germany.

Duisburg: 286 RAF Lancasters and 16 Mosquitos of Nos 1, 3 and 8 Groups. 2 Lancasters lost. This raid was intended for the benzol plant in the Bruckhausen district of Duisburg. This target was identified visually by moonlight and much damage was inflicted on it. Further bombing also hit the nearby Thyssen steelworks, either by misidentification or by a simple spread of the bombing. Duisburg's local report assumed that the steelworks were the primary target and stated that 500 high explosive bombs fell on the Thyssen premises.

Gelsenkirchen: 152 RAF aircraft - 107 Halifaxes, 29 Lancasters, 16 Mosquitos - of Nos 4, 5 and 8 Groups. No aircraft lost. This was a small area-bombing raid. The Bomber Command report states that 'moderate' damage was caused to residential and industrial areas.

48 Mosquitos to Hannover and 6 to Dortmund, 50 RCM sorties, 40 Mosquito patrols. No aircraft lost.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, B-25s score damaging hits at Rovereto, San Michele all' Adige and on the Dogna bridge, and attack the Chiari and Crema bridges with fair results; fighter-bombers range over practically all of N Italy destroying and damaging a large number of vehicles and railway cars and several locomotives, also hitting fuel and ammunition dumps around Mantua.
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WESTERN FRONT: German Dr. Hans Gisevius crosses from Germany into Switzerland, after hiding since July 20, 1944. In Germany Count Helmuth von Moltke-Kreisau, leader of the pacifist "Kreisau Circle" organization, is executed.

St. Vith falls to the attack of tank units from US 18th Corps. The German forces are falling back over the River Our from throughout the Ardennes salient but are losing heavily to Allied air attacks.

EASTERN FRONT: As well as the continuing attacks in Poland and East Prussia, there is a new advance from around Miskolc by the 2nd Ukrainian Front (Malinovsky) with both Soviet and Rumanian troops involved.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): 2 missions are flown. Mission 807: 209 B-17s are dispatched to hit the marshalling yard at Neuss, Germany (169); 12 others hit the Neuss Bridge; the attacks are made using Gee-H and Micro H; 1 B-17 is lost, 3 damaged beyond repair and 95 damaged; 5 airmen are KIA, 6 WIA and 10 MIA. Escort is provided by 74 of 79 P-51s; 1 is damaged beyond repair. Other operations are: 1. 68 of 75 P-51s fly a sweep over the Neuss area; they claim 1-0-0 Luftwaffe aircraft without loss. 2. 16 of 17 P-51s fly a scouting mission without loss. Mission 808: 5 B-24s drop leaflet in the Netherlands during the night.

(US Ninth Air Force): In Germany, a small B-26 force hits troop concentrations, a road bridge, and military transport targets at Blankenheim, Dasburg, and Arzfeld. Fighters fly armed reconnaissance, alert flights, and patrols, and support the US III, VIII, and XII Corps and 4th, 94th, and 95th Infantry Divisions from S of Saint-Vith, Belgium, S and E along the battleline to just W of Saarlautern, Germany.

Reichsmarschall Göring issues an ' Order of the Day to the Fighter Arm' wherein it states:
"After several years in office Generalleutnant Galland has been relieved of his post as the General der Jägdflieger in order that he may resume a position of leadership when his health has recovered."
Obst. Gordon Gollob is appointed as General der Jägdflieger.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy during the night of 22/23 Jan, A-20s bomb lights, roads, and river crossings at over 50 locations in the Po Valley, hit several targets of opportunity, and attack Borgoforte and San Benedetto Po and airfields at Villafranca di Verona and Ghedi; weather cancels medium bomber operations during the day; fighter-bombers operate mainly against communications, principally railroad targets, in the Po Valley but also hit ammunition dumps, shipping, guns, vehicles, and other targets in N Italy scattered from Genoa to NE Italy.
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EASTERN FRONT: Soviet armored units reach the Oder River south of Breslau. Soviets forces reach the estuary of the Vistula, southwest of Elbing. Soviet troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front are attacking near Breslau (about 4 miles to the southeast) and Oppeln, the capital of German Upper Silesia, on the Oder River. They take Gleiwitz. New Soviet attacks are launched in Czechoslovakia.

WESTERN FRONT: Units from the French 1st Army take crossings over the River Ill in Alsace, on the northern flank of the Colmar pocket. In the Ardennes there are Allied advances north and south of St. Vith. US 3rd Army reaches the Clerf River. The British 2nd Army enters Heinsberg, about 3 miles west of the Roer River.

(US Eighth Air Force): 67 of 70 P-51s based in Belgium are dispatched in 4 flights to fly sweeps over Wahn Airfield-Dorweiler area and Karlsruhe-Koblenz area in Germany, claiming 3 fighters downed; 1 P-51 is lost.

The 39th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, Ninth AF, arrives at Valenciennes, France from the US with F-5s.

GERMANY: SS leader Himmler is appointed by Hitler to lead the new Army Group Vistula, being formed to oppose the Soviet advance toward Berlin. Himmler has no experience, nor has he demonstrated any aptitude for operational command and his appointment is widely viewed as an insult to the German Army and General Staff.

(US Ninth Air Force): 25 9th Bombardment Division bombers hit communications centers at Schleiden, Stadtkyll, and Pronsfeld, Germany; fighters fly armed reconnaissance, sweeps, airfield cover, and bomb 1 bridge; the XIX Tactical Air Command supports US III, VIII, XII, and XX Corps elements along the battlefront at several points from SW of Saint-Vith, Belgium to the Saarlautern, Germany area.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, cloud conditions and ground fog at bases nearly halt operations; 1 medium bomber flies weather reconnaissance over the Venice area and P-47s fly weather reconnaissance over the Bologna-Parma area; 2 of the P-47s destroy a truck and damage a train near Parma.
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EASTERN FRONT: 2nd Belorussian Front reaches Baltic coast at Frisches Haff. Germany Heeresgruppe Mitte is isolated. The German forces in East Prussia are effectively cut off and the German evacuation of military personal and civilians from East Prussia begins. The operation continues until the end of the war and is considered the greatest evacuation in history (amounting to 1.5 to 2 million people). About 40 large passenger ships and many other transports as well as practically all the remaining surface ships of the German Navy including the cruisers, 'Emden' and 'Admiral Hipper' are involved. There are considerable losses to the many mines laid in the Baltic by RAF Bomber Command and to the submarines of the Soviet Baltic Fleet. In the fighting to the south, Ostrow is taken by left flank units of the 1st Ukrainian Front; other elements capture crossings over the Oder River near Breslau and Steinau. Meanwhile, in Hungary, the German 4.SS Panzerkorps, an element of Heeresgrupe Sud, is halted by forces of the 3rd Ukrainian Front.

General Reinhardt, who has been in command of the German Heeresgruppe Mitte in East Prussia, is dismissed and General Rendulic is appointed to the renamed Heeresgruppe Nord.

WESTERN FRONT: The Roermond triangle, an isolated German position near the Rhine, is eliminated.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): 111 of 121 P-51s based in Belgium fly a sweep over wide areas of SW Germany, claiming 2 Luftwaffe fighters NE of Mannheim and E of Kirrlach; 1 P-51 is lost.

(US Ninth Air Force): 170 A-20s and B-26s hit communications centers and railroad bridges, overpasses, and lines in W Germany with the aim of harassing and obstructing troop movement; fighters of the 3 Tactical Air Commands fly armed reconnaissance, alerts and night patrols, escort bombers, and attack numerous ground targets; the XIX Tactical Air Command supports the US 5th Infantry Division in the Echternach, Luxembourg area.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy during the night of 24/25 Jan, A-20s make several intruder attacks on roads, motor transport, bridges, and trains; bad weather during the day greatly curtails flying; the only medium bomber mission dispatched achieves poor results on the Cremona ammunition dump; fighter-bombers and fighters of the XXII Tactical Air Command hit communications and dump areas, mainly in the Milan area, with good general success.
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WESTERN FRONT: In Holland, the Canadian 4th Armoured Division launches Operation Elephant, to take Kapelsche Veer on a small island in the Maas River from German occupation.

Units of US 3rd Army in the Ardennes have now crossed the Clerf River in several areas and are attacking all along the front of US 3rd and 12th Corps.

American Audie Murphy kills or wounds about fifty German soldiers. He is later awarded the Medal of Honor medal.

British Air Ministry head Charles Portal seeks and receives approval from SHAEF Chiefs of Staff and General Spatz for one big air attack on Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, or Chemnitz, where such an attack would hamper German troop movement and evacuation from the eastern front.

EASTERN FRONT: The advance of the Soviet 2nd Belorussian Front reaches the Baltic north of Elbing completely cutting off the German forces of Heeresgruppe Nord in East Prussia.

Major Erich Rudorffer, Gruppenkommandeur of II./JG 54 is awarded the Schwerten for achieving 210 kills.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): 31 of 32 P-51s based in Belgium, fly an uneventful fighter sweeps over the Heilbronn, Aschaffenburg, Giessen, and Trier, Germany areas.

(US Ninth Air Force): In Germany, 27 B-26s bomb the Euskirchen rail bridge to interdict rail traffic SW from Euskirchen, much of which comes from Cologne and Bonn. The 3 Tactical Air Commands fly armed reconnaissance, alert flights, and patrols; the XIX Tactical Air Command supports US Third Army elements from S of Saint-Vith, Belgium to W of Saarlautern, Germany.

8 RAF Mosquitos bombed the Castrop-Rauxel synthetic-oil refinery without loss.

Major Walther Dahl is appointed Inspekteur der Tagjäger (Inspector of Day fighters) while Obstlt. Josef Priller of JG 26 is appointed Inspekteur der Jägdflieger Ost. Obstlt. Priller is removed from combat operations and spends the rest of the war in this post. Priller's place as Kommodore is taken by Major Franz Götz.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy during the night of 25/26 Jan, A-20s fly armed reconnaissance of the Po Valley, bombing Po River crossings, Ghedi Airfield, and general movement throughout the area; both the 57th Bombardment Wing and the XXII Tactical Air Command cancel all operations for the day because of bad weather.
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EASTERN FRONT: The Soviet Red Army liberates Auschwitz. Forces of the 1st Baltic Front captured the port of Memel which now leaves the whole of Lithuania in Russian hands. German forces begin evacuating the vital coal mining and industrial region of Upper Silesia. In Poland, elements of the 1st Belorussian Front have swept around Poznan, where the garrison continues to holds out, and are maintaining their advance to the Oder River. The Soviets are about 100 miles from Berlin. Other elements are attacking near Torun and Bydgoscz. 4.SS Panzerkorps' attack in Hungary, launched on 18 January, is finally defeated.

WESTERN FRONT: Troops from US 3rd Army cross the Our River and take Oberhausen. The gains made by the German Ardennes offensive are now almost completely eliminated. American troops attack between Roer and Wurm. British troops capture Odilienburg as French troops capture Holtzwihr.

German submarine 'U-1172' sunk with all hands in St. George's Channel by depth charges from the British frigates HMS 'Tyler', HMS 'Keats' and HMS 'Bligh'. 52 dead (all hands lost).

(US Eighth Air Force):: HQ 352d Fighter Group and the 486th and 487th Fighter Squadrons move from Bodney, England to Chievres, Belgium with P-51s.

(US Ninth Air Force): Weather grounds the 9th Bombardment Division and the XIX Tactical Air Command; the IX and XXIX Tactical Air Commands fly armed reconnaissance over the battle area and parts of W Germany, along with alert flights and a leaflet mission.

In Belgium, HQ 370th Fighter Group and the 401st, 402d and 485th Fighter Squadrons move from Juzaine Airfield, Florennes to Zwartberg with P-38s. The 388th Fighter Squadron, 365th Fighter Group, moves from Metz, France to Juzaine Airfield, Florennes, Belgium.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Fifteenth Air Force): For the sixth consecutive day bad weather restricts operations to reconnaissance and escort missions.

(US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, bad weather during the morning causes all medium bombers to abort except for an attack on a bridge at Bressana Bottarone; XXII Tactical Air Command fighters and fighter-bombers continue the interdiction of communications with good results against motor transport, trains, rail lines, bridges, and storage dumps; P-47s of the 57th Fighter Group destroy an oil plant near Fornovo di Taro. The 414th Night Fighter Squadron, 62d Fighter Wing, based at Pontedera, Italy sends a detachment to operate from Florennes, Belgium with Beaufighters attached to the 422d Night Fighter Squadron.

GERMANY: 12 RAF Mosquitos to Berlin: 8 bombed this target and 3 bombed alternative targets. No aircraft lost.
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WESTERN FRONT: The last part of the Ardennes salient is destroyed. American troops regain the front lines against the Germans held on December 16. Allied armies suffered about 83,000 casualties, and lost about 800 tanks. Germany lost over 100,000 men, 800 tanks, and 1000 aircraft. British forces report progress on the Roer River.

The 328th, 486th and 487th Fighter Squadrons, 352d Fighter Group, move from Bodney, England to Chievres, Belgium with P-51s (detachments have been operating from Asch, Belgium since 23 Dec 44).

EASTERN FRONT: The advance of the 1st Belorussian Front reaches German Pomerania. Sepolno and Leszno are taken on the flanks of the advance. To the south, 1st Ukrainian Front troops complete the capture of Katowice, in the Dombrova coal basin.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): 2 missions are flown. Mission 809: With the prospect of improved weather over Germany, 1,006 bombers and 249 fighters are dispatched to hit marshalling yards, bridges and benzol plants at Dortmund; 10 bombers are lost: 1. 225 B-24s are sent to hit oil targets at Kaiserstuhl (115) and Gneisenau (58 ); targets of opportunity are Lippstadt (9), Neheim (5) and other (11); bombing is by Gee-H; 7 B-24s are lost, 2 damaged beyond repair and 97 damaged; 2 airmen are KIA, 7 WIA and 71 MIA. Escorting are 68 of 77 P-51s. 2. 421 B-17s are sent to hit the Gremberg marshalling yard at Cologne (273) and the Hohenzollern Bridge at Cologne (69); secondary targets are Gutersloh (31) and Bielefeld (7); 3 others hit a target of opportunity; Gee-H and H2X radar are used to bomb; 3 B-17s are lost and 172 damaged; 4 airmen are WIA and 35 MIA. The escort is 69 of 76 P-51s. 3. 360 B-17s are dispatched to hit the Hohenbudberg marshalling yard (169) and Rheinhausen Bridge at Duisburg (80); 10 hit the secondary, the highway bridge at Duisburg; targets of opportunity are Friemersheim (13) and other (2); some targets are hit visually while others are hit using Micro H; 2 B-17s are damaged beyond repair and 195 damaged; 14 airmen are KIA and 20 WIA. 35 of 38 P-51s escort the B-17s. 4. 40 P-51s fly a sweep of the tactical area escorting Ninth AF B-26s. 5. 13 of 18 P-51s fly a scouting mission. Mission 810: 2 B-17s and 6 B-24s drop leaflets in the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany during the night.

(US Ninth Air Force): In Germany, 95 9th Bombardment Division B-26s hit a communications center at Mayen, rail bridges and an overpass at Eller, Sinzig, Remagen, and Kaiserslautern, targets of opportunity in W Germany, and fly cover for US First Army forces on the frontline in the Monschau-Butgenbach area.

153 RAF Lancasters of No 3 Group attacked the railway yards at Cologne/Gremberg in conditions of good visibility. Some of the bombing fell on the target but some overshot. 3 Lancasters were lost and 1 crashed in France.

602 RAF aircraft - 316 Halifaxes, 258 Lancasters, 28 Mosquitos - of Nos 1, 4, 6 and 8 Groups dispatched to 2 targets in the Stuttgart area. 11 aircraft - 6 Lancasters, 4 Halifaxes, 1 Mosquito - lost. This raid was split into 2 parts, with a 3-hour interval. The first force - 226 aircraft - was directed against the important railway yards at Kornwestheim, a town to the north of Stuttgart, and the second was against the north-western Stuttgart suburb of Zuffenhausen, where the target is believed to have been the Hirth aero-engine factory. The target area was mostly cloud-covered for both raids and the bombing, on skymarkers, was scattered. Bombs fell in many parts of Stuttgart's northern and western suburbs. The important Bosch works, in the suburb of Feuerbach, was hit. A large number of bombs fell outside Stuttgart, particularly in the east around a decoy fire site which was also firing dummy target-indicator rockets into the air. The village of Weilimdorf, situated not far away, complained bitterly about its damage and casualties! This was the last large RAF raid on Stuttgart. Stuttgart's experience was not as severe as other German cities. Its location, spread out in a series of deep valleys, had consistently frustrated the Pathfinders and the shelters dug into the sides of the surrounding hills had saved many lives.

67 RAF Mosquitos to Berlin and 8 to Mainz (a 'spoof' raid for the Stuttgart attacks), 51 RCM sorties, 36 Mosquito patrols, 6 Lancasters of No 1 Group minelaying in the Kattegat. 1 Mosquito of No 100 Group crashed in France.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, weather again hampers operations; B-25s have good results on railroad bridges at Lavis and San Michele all'Adige; XXII Tactical Air Command aircraft operate effectively against communications and transport targets throughout N Italy including at Milan, Pavia, Cremona, Nervesa della Battaglia, Treviso, Genoa, Padua, and the Lake Maggiore areas.
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EASTERN FRONT: German passenger ship 'Wilhelm Gustloff' is struck by three Soviet torpedoes off Danzig from the Soviet submarine 'S-13'. The ship quickly capsizes, with the loss of 5200-5400 of estimated 6100 on board. Worst sea loss ever.

There are German counterattacks from East Prussia against the forces of the 2nd Belorussian Front to the west. The German heavy cruiser 'Prinz Eugen' and destroyers support the ground assault with a naval bombardment. Toward the south of the German pocket, Bischofsburg falls to the Soviet forces. Forces of the 1st Belorussian Front encircle the city of Poznan, and the large German garrison, in Pomerania. Dresden, some 95 miles southeast of Berlin, is captured.

WESTERN FRONT: The US 1st Army reports the capture of the town of Bullingen, east of St. Vith. Forces of the US 3rd Army cross the Oure River at two points, 8 miles south of St. Vith.

First Tactical Air Force (Provisional): Brigadier General Glenn O Barcus becomes Commanding General XII Tactical Air Command.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force):: 2 missions are flown. Mission 811: 1,158 bombers and 700 fighters are dispatched to hit industrial plants at Kassel and rail targets in C Germany; the attacks were made using H2X radar; they claim 6-0-2 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 B-24 and 2 P-51s are lost: 1. 415 B-17s are sent to hit rail centers at Niederlahnstein (110) and Siegen (144); 104 hit the secondary, the Mosel marshalling yard at Koblenz; 37 hit the marshalling yard at Bad Kreuznach, a target of opportunity; 4 B-17s are damaged beyond repair and 7 damaged. Escorting are 235 of 254 P-51s; they claim 1-0-1 aircraft; 1 P-51 is lost and 1 damaged beyond repair; 1 pilot is KIA. 2. 386 B-17s are dispatched to hit the Henschel oil plant at Kassel (93); 154 hit the secondary, the Kassel marshalling yard; targets of opportunity are the Bielefeld marshalling yard (76), Koblenz (35) and other (2); 2 B-17s are damaged beyond repair and 28 damaged; 18 airmen are KIA and 1 WIA. The escort is 207 of 224 P-51s; they claim 4-0-1 aircraft; 1 P-51 is damaged beyond repair. 3. 357 B-24s dispatched hit secondary targets, the marshalling yards at Munster (206) and Hamm (124); 9 others hit the Soest marshalling yard, a target of opportunity; 1 B-24 is lost and 18 damaged; 9 airmen are MIA. 173 P-47s and P-51s escort; they claim 1-0-0 aircraft on the ground; 1 P-51 is lost (pilot MIA). 4. 23 of 27 P-51s fly a scouting mission without loss. Mission 812: 1 B-17 and 8 B-24s drop leaflets in Germany and the Netherlands during the night.

(US Ninth Air Force): 364 A-20s, B-26s, and A-26s bomb rail bridges, supply and communications centers, and defended areas in W Germany; fighters escort the bombers, fly armed reconnaissance and patrols and support US Third Army units at points along the frontlines from S of Saint-Vith, Belgium to the bridgehead area around Saarlautern, Germany.

148 RAF Lancasters of No 3 Group attacked the Uerdingen railway yards at Krefeld without loss. Bombing was claimed to be accurate but a short Krefeld report states that bombs fell over a wide area. 59 RAF Mosquitos; 50 aircraft reached and bombed Berlin without loss.

Gruppenkommandeur Obstlt. Heinz Bär of III./EJG 2, takes his first flight in an Me 262. He flies the jet fighter almost continuously from this point on until the end of the war with 'Buzzard 1' as his tactical call sign.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, due to high winds and generally bad weather, medium bombers successfully bomb only 2 targets, the railway bridges at Calliano and Rovereto, and attack with less success bridges at Motta di Livenza, Lavis, Mantua, and Chiusaforte, and railway station at Lavis; XXII Tactical Air Command fighters and fighter-bombers operate primarily against communications throughout the Po Valley; results are generally good and a bridge at Nervesa della Battaglia is cut; bridges or their approaches at Cittadella, Santa Margherita d'Adige and Cismon del Grappa are damaged along with a variety of targets. During the night of 28/29 Jan, A-20s hit rail facilities, pontoon bridge, lights, and motor transport at nearly 50 locations in the Po Valley.

The 5th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, 3d Photographic Group (Reconnaissance), based at Peretola Airfield, Florence with F-5s, sends a flight to operate from Pisa.
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GERMANY: Hitler broadcasts to the nation for the last time. He comments, "German workers, work! German soldiers, fight! German women, be as fanatical as ever! No nation can do more."

Newly posted to JG 7 from 1./ErgGr from Sagan, Lt. Rudolf Rademacher takes his first flight in an Me 262.

WESTERN FRONT: Allied forces capture Gambsheim, a German bridgehead over the Rhine, north of Strasbourg.

(US Ninth Air Force): Weather cancels bomber operations. Fighters fly nightfighter and intruder reconnaissance missions; fighter cover for the US 5th Armored Division W of Gemund, Germany is recalled during the day.

HQ 365th Fighter Group and the 386th Fighter Squadron move from Metz, France to Juzaine Airfield, Florennes, Belgium with P-47s.

German submarine 'U-3520' sunk with all hands off Bulk.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Fifteenth Air Force): For the ninth successive day, weather prevents bombing operations; during the night of 29/30 Jan, 13 B-24s drop supplies in N Italy; during the day P-38s fly reconnaissance and reconnaissance escort and carry out supply missions and strafing attacks in Austria.

(US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, good weather in the Po Valley permits full-scale operations against communications lines; during the night of 29/30 Jan, A-20s intruders pound scattered movement (much of it near Milan), several Po River crossings including Borgoforte, Piacenza, and San Benedetto Po, the harbor at La Spezia, and fuel dumps and other targets at many locations; B-25s effectively strike the Brenner rail line during the day, especially the Lavis and Trento marshalling yards and bridges at Lavis and Calliano; XXII Tactical Air Command fighters and fighter-bombers strike railroads and bridges in NE Italy cutting many lines and damaging several bridges, and hit fuel dumps and factories around Parma.
WESTERN FRONT: Final German forces abandon Kapelsche Veer island in the Maas River, Holland. Units of US 18th Corps from US 1st Army enter Germany east of St. Vith as they continue their advance from the Ardennes. To the south, in Alsace, French 1st Army attacks near Colmar also make some ground.

(US Ninth Air Force): All operations are cancelled due to weather. The 387th Fighter Squadron, 365th Fighter Group, moves from Metz, France to Juzaine Airfield, Florennes, Belgium with P-47s. In France, the 512th and 514th Fighter Squadrons, 406th Fighter Group, move from Mourmelon- le-Grand to Metz with P-47s (the 514th has been operating from Prosnes since 22 Jan).

American Private Edward Donald Slovik of the 28th Infantry Division is executed by firing squad for desertion.

EASTERN FRONT: Forces of the Soviet 1st Belorussian Front reach the Oder River at Zehden and along a wide front to the south of Frankfurt am Oder. These Soviet positions are less than 50 miles from Berlin.

Hptm. Wilhelm "Willi" Batz, Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG 52 is transferred to take command of II./JG 52 in Hungary. He is replaced by Hptm. Adolf Borchers at III Gruppe.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): Mission 813: 291 B-24s, 112 B-17s and 186 P-51s are recalled from a mission against targets in Germany because of expected bad weather at UK bases and heavy clouds; 1 B-17 and 3 B-24s are damaged beyond repair; 6 airmen are KIA and 8 WIA.

8 RAF Mosquitos to the Hansa benzol plant at Dortmund and 6 Mosquitos to Duisburg. 1 aircraft from the Dortmund raid crashed in Holland.

The weather started to improve at the beginning of February and Bomber Command commenced an almost unbroken period of operations of the most intense and concentrated nature which would continue until a halt was called to the strategic-bombing offensive in April. The first round of raids, however, was not very effective because of poor weather at the targets.

MEDITERRANEAN: (US Fifteenth Air Force): 670+ B-24s and B-17s bomb the Moosbierbaum, Austria oil refinery; marshalling yards at Graz, Austria and Maribor, Yugoslavia; and scattered targets of opportunity. P-38s and P-51s fly 300+ escorting sorties for the bombers; other P-38s fly reconnaissance and reconnaissance escort and drop supplies into Austria; during the night of 30/31 Jan, B-24s drop supplies in N Italy.

(US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, medium bombers attack railroad bridges at Chiusaforte, Voghera, Lavis, Rovereto, and San Michele all' Adige, and the marshalling yard at Rovereto, with only fair results; fighters and fighter-bombers hit bridges, rail lines, trains, vehicles, and other targets over widespread areas of N Italy; during the night of 30/31 Jan, A-20s hit several railroad targets during intruder missions in the Po Valley.
WESTERN FRONT: US General Dwight Eisenhower issues a directive authorizing Operations Veritable and Grenade.

The US 6th Corps from 7th Army crosses the river Moder and advances to Oberhofen.

During Feb 45, HQ 438th Troop Carrier Group and the 87th, 88th, 89th and 90th Troop Carrier Squadrons move from Greenham Common, England to Prosnes, France with C-47s. HQ 361st Fighter Group and the 374th, 375th and 376th Fighter Squadrons move from Little Walden, England to Chievres, Belgium with P-51s (the squadrons have been operating from St-Dizier, France since 23 Dec 44). HQ 98th Combat Bombardment Wing (Medium) moves from Athies Airfield, Laon to Havrincourt and HQ 367th Fighter Group moves from Juvincourt to St-Dizier.

EASTERN FRONT: Torun falls to attacks from forces for of the 2nd Belorussian Front, after a six day siege. Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, which have reached the Oder opposite Berlin, halt there to regroup while the many pockets of German resistance in their rear are being eliminated and while the units on their flanks broaden the advance by attacking into Pomerania in the north and crossing the Oder and moving toward the Neisse in the south. Since the 20th January, the Kriegsmarine has evacuated 140,000 civilian refugees and 18,000 wounded soldiers by sea from East Prussia.

GERMANY: (US Eighth Air Force): 2 missions are flown. Mission 814: 699 B-17s and 328 P-51s are dispatched to hit rail targets and bridges in W Germany using Micro-H and H2X radar; no losses: 1. 463 B-17s are sent to hit the marshalling yards at Mannheim (74) and Ludwigshafen (70); 270 hit the secondary target, the highway and rail bridge at Mannheim; targets of opportunity are Pforzheim (11) and other (3); 2 B-17s are damaged beyond repair and 24 damaged; 3 airmen are WIA. Escorting are 142 of 151 P-51s. 2. 236 B-17s are send to hit the rail bridge at Wesel (139); 36 hit the marshalling yard at Krefeld, the secondary target; and 13 hit Barth, a target of opportunity; 2 B-17s are damaged. 49 of 53 P-51s escort. 3. 20 of 22 P-51s fly a scouting mission. 4. 87 of 102 P-51s fly a freelance sweep in support of the bombers. Mission 815: 6 of 9 B-24s drop leaflets in the Netherlands, France and Germany during the night.

(US Ninth Air Force): 146 B-26s, A-26s, and A-20s bomb rail bridges and defended areas on the Rhine and Mosel Rivers and in W Germany near the battlefront. The IX and XIX Tactical Air Commands escort the bombers, fly armed reconnaissance, and in Germany, attack the Euskirchen marshalling yard and the town of Arloff.

(US Fifteenth Air Force): In Austria, 300+ B-17s and B-24s attack the Moosbierbaum oil refinery and the marshalling yards at Graz, Furstenfeld, and Klagenfurt. 1 bomber bombs Pula, Yugoslavia. P-38s and P-51s fly 270+ sorties escorting the bombers; other P-38s carry out reconnaissance and reconnaissance escort missions.

160 RAF Lancasters of No 3 Group attacked the general town area of Mönchengladbach through 8-10/10ths cloud, using G-H. The results of the raid are not known. 1 Lancaster crashed in France.

Ludwigshafen: 382 RAF Lancasters and 14 Mosquitos of Nos 1, 6 and 8 Groups. 6 Lancasters lost. Most of the force aimed their loads at skymarkers and the local report shows that bombs fell in many parts of Ludwigshafen, with much property damage of a mixed nature. The 900 houses destroyed or seriously damaged were the main item in the report but it also states that the railway yards were seriously damaged and one of the Rhine road bridges was hit by 2 bombs and temporarily closed to traffic.

Mainz: 340 RAF aircraft - 293 Halifaxes, 40 Lancasters, 8 Mosquitos - of Nos 4, 6 and 8 Groups. No aircraft lost. A few early crews were able to bomb target indicators seen through a gap in the clouds, but the gap soon closed and most of the raid was on skymarkers. The local report states that a few buildings were destroyed, including the Christuskirche, which burnt out, and the town hospital was damaged, but most of the bombing fell outside Mainz.

Siegen: 271 RAF Lancasters and 11 Mosquitos of No 5 Group. 3 Lancasters and 1 Mosquito lost. This raid also experienced difficult marking and bombing conditions. Some damage was caused to the railway station but the local report says that the markers were either carried away from Siegen by a strong wind or that dummy markers and a decoy fire site attracted much of the bombing. Most of the raid fell in country areas outside Siegen.

122 RAF Mosquitos to Berlin, 8 to Bruckhausen benzol plant, 6 to Hannover, 4 to Nuremberg and 4 dropping dummy target indicators at both Mannheim and Stuttgart, 64 RCM sorties, 47 Mosquito patrols. No aircraft lost.

Major Walther Dahl is awarded the Eichenlaub for achieving ninety-two victories.

Lt Rudolf Rademacher flying with 11./JG 7, scores his first victory in the Me 262, an Allied reconnaissance Spitfire above Braunschweig.

MEDITTERANEAN: (US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, bad weather curtails operations; A-20s and medium bombers are grounded and fighters and fighter- bombers fly only 14 sorties, 12 against communications targets N of the battle area and 2 weather reconnaissance sorties.
GERMANY: German Dr. Carl Friedrich Goerdeler is executed, at age 61.

(US Eighth Air Force):: 22 of 24 P-51s fly an uneventful sweep in the Koblenz-Wetzlar-Siegen-Siegburg, Germany area. Mission 816: During the night of 2/3 Feb, 1 B-17 and 8 B-24s drop leaflets in W Germany.

(US Ninth Air Force): 350+ B-26s, A-26s, and A-20s bomb road and rail bridges to block the E-W movement E of the Rhine River and defended localities E of the battlefront in W Germany; fighters hit bridges and fly escort, armed reconnaissance and patrols, and support US Third Army elements along the Our River in Belgium and the Sauer River in Germany.

495 RAF Lancasters and 12 Mosquitos of Nos 1, 3, 6 and 8 Groups to Wiesbaden. 3 Lancasters crashed in France. This was Bomber Command's one and only large raid on Wiesbaden. There was complete cloud cover but most of the bombing hit the town. 5 important war industries along the banks of the Rhine were untouched but the railway station was damaged.

Wanne-Eickel: 323 RAF aircraft - 277 Halifaxes, 27 Lancasters, 19 Mosquitos - of Nos 4, 6 and 8 Groups. 4 Halifaxes lost. This target was also cloud-covered and the attack, intended for the oil refinery, was not accurate. Local people assumed that the target was a local coal mine - Shamrock 3/4; most of the bombing fell in the open ground around the mine.

Karlsruhe: 250 RAF Lancasters and 11 Mosquitos of No 5 Group. 14 Lancasters lost. No 189 Squadron, from Fulbeck, lost 4 of its 19 aircraft on the raid. Cloud cover over the target caused this raid to be a complete failure. Karlsruhe reports no casualties and only a few bombs. The report mentions 'dive bombers', presumably the Mosquito marker aircraft trying to establish their position. This was a lucky escape for Karlsruhe in its last major RAF raid of the war.

43 RAF Mosquitos to Magdeburg and 20 to Mannheim, 54 RCM sorties, 44 Mosquito patrols. No aircraft lost.

EASTERN FRONT: The Soviet 26th Army (Gagen), part of 3rd Ukrainian Front, attacking northwards, restores contact with 4th Guards Army to the west of Budapest, near Adony, trapping the 3rd Panzer Army in the area of Konigsberg and the Samland Peninsula. The German 4th SS Panzer Corps is forced to pull back as a result.

WESTERN FRONT: US 1st Army units are attacking near Remscheid. British forces mount attacks over the Maas, north of Breda and near Nijmegen to put pressure on the Germans.

In France, HQ 406th Fighter Group and the 513th Fighter Squadron move from Mourmelon-le-Grand to Metz with P-47s; the 393d Fighter Squadron, 367th Fighter Group, moves from Juvincourt to St Dizier with P-38s.

MEDITTERANEAN: (US Fifteenth Air Force): Bad weather cancels bombing operations; 1 B-17 and 1 B-24 drop supplies in N Italy. 33 P-51s, with 14 others flying top cover, strafe Kurilovec Airfield in Yugoslavia; 11 other P-51s escort a Royal Air Force (RAF) supply dropping mission over Yugoslavia. 11 P-38s fly photo and weather reconnaissance; photo reconnaissance is covered by 24 other P-38s.

(US Twelfth Air Force): In Italy, medium bombers, taking advantage of improving weather conditions in NE Italy, hit bridges at Lavis, Chiusaforte, Calliano, Mantua, Rovereto, Calcinato, and Dogna; bad weather at bases restricts XXII Tactical Air Command aircraft to 5 weather reconnaissance sorties.

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