Timeline 3

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Jul 28, 2003
Chino, California, U.S.A.
3 July 44 Soviet troops recapture Minsk.
7 July 44 The Japanese troops on Saipan surrender.
9 July 44 The allies capture Caen.
19 July 44 General Kuniaka Koiso becomes the new Prime Minister of Japan.
20 July 44 A failed assignation attempt on Hitler is preformed by Claus von Stauffenberg.
21 July 44 American troops land on Guam.
25 July 44 The breakout from Normandy begins.
28 July 44 Soviet troops recapture Brest-Litovsk.
1 Aug 44 Polish Home Army uprising in Warsaw and the Red Army halts its offensive.
2 Aug 44 Soviet troops reach the Baltic Sea coast in Latvia.
4 Aug 44 The allies capture Florence.
8 Aug 44 Japanese troops capture Hengyang, China.
15 Aug 44 The allies land in south France.
20 Aug 44 Soviet troops begin offensive against Romania.
23 Aug 44 Romania surrenders and joins the allies.
24 Aug 44 Bordeaux is captured by the allies.
25 Aug 44 Paris is captured by the allies.
28 Aug 44 The allies capture Marseille and Toulon.
30 Aug 44 The German troops leave Bulgaria.
31 Aug 44 Soviet troops capture Bucharest.
2 Sep 44 The allies capture Pisa.
3 Sep 44 The German troops leave Finland.
3 Sep 44 Brussels and Antwerpen are captured by the allies.
5 Sep 44 Truce between Finland and Soviet Union.
5 Sep 44 Soviet Union declares war on Bulgaria.
8 Sep 44 First German V-2 bomb is launched on Britain.
9 Sep 44 Truce between Soviet Union and Bulgaria.
11 Sep 44 Allied troops enter Germany.
12 Sep 44 Le Havre is captured by the allies.
15 Sep 44 German troops land on Suursaari but are forced to surrender.
17 Sep 44 Massive allied airborne assault in Arnhem, Holland (Operation Market Garden).
22 Sep 44 Boulogne is captured by the allies.
24 Sep 44 Soviet troops enter Czechoslovakia.
26 Sep 44 Estonia is occupied by the Soviet forces.
26 Sep 44 The last allies surrender in Arnhem.
28 Sep 44 Calais is captured by the allies.
28 Sep 44 The first battle between German and Finnish troops at Pudasjärvi.
1 Oct 44 Soviet troops enter Yugoslavia.
2 Oct 44 The Warsaw uprising is put down.
4 Oct 44 The allies land in Greece.
10 Oct 44 Rovaniemi is destroyed by the German troops.
14 Oct 44 Athens is captured by the allies.
14 Oct 44 Erwin Rommel commits suicide rather than face trail for the part in the conspiracy against
18 Oct 44 Soviet troops enter Czechoslovakia.
20 Oct 44 Belgrade is captured by the allies.
21 Oct 44 The allies capture Aachen (first German city).
23 Oct 44 Soviet troops enter East Prussia.
25 Oct 44 Soviet troops capture Kirkenes, Norge.
4 Nov 44 The axis troops in Greece surrenders.
10 Nov 44 Japanese troops capture Guilin, China.
10 Nov 44 Japanese troops capture Liuzhou, China.
24 Nov 44 Strasbourg is captured by the allies.
29 Nov 44 Albania is captured by the allies.
4 Dec 44 Civil war begin in Greece.
16 Dec 44 German troops begin offensive in the Ardennes (battle of the Bulge).
26 Dec 44 American troops hold Bastogne and the German offensive fails.
27 Dec 44 Soviet troops besiege Budapest.

1 Jan 45 German troops withdraw from the Ardennes.
9 Jan 45 American troops land on the Philippines.
17 Jan 45 Soviet troops capture Warsaw.
26 Jan 45 Japanese troops withdraw to the Chinese coast.
27 Jan 45 Soviet troops liberate Auschwitz.
30 Jan 45 A soviet submarine sinks the German hospital ship Wilhelm Gustloff with over 6,000 refugees from
East Prussia and over 5,100 people are killed. This is the worst maritime disaster of all time.
4 Feb 45 Manila is captured by the allies.
4-11 Feb 45 Roosevelt, Churchill Stalin meet in Yalta.
13 Feb 45 Dresden is destroyed by the allied fire bombing.
19 Feb 45 American troops land on Iwo Jima.
20 Feb 45 The allies capture Saarbrücken.
20 Feb 45 Soviet troops capture Danzig.
3 Mar 45 Finland declare war on Germany.
6 Mar 45 Germany launches offensive in Hungary.
7 Mar 45 The allies capture Cologne.
20 Mar 45 The allies capture Mandalay, Burma.
30 Mar 45 Soviet troops capture Danzig.
1 Apr 45 German troops encircled in the Ruhr.
1 Apr 45 Allied offensive in northern Italy.
1 Apr 45 American troops land on Okinawa.
5 Apr 45 Admiral Suzuki becomes the new Prime Minister of Japan.
10 Apr 45 The allies capture Hannover.
11 Apr 45 The allies liberate Buchenwald and Belsen.
12 Apr 45 Roosevelt dies and is replaced by Harry S Truman as the president of USA.
13 Apr 45 Soviet troops capture Wien.
15 Apr 45 The allies capture Arnhem.
15 Apr 45 The allies liberate Bergen-Belsen.
16 Apr 45 Soviet troops begin the offensive towards Berlin.
16 Apr 45 The allies capture Nürnberg.
18 Apr 45 The German troops in the Ruhr surrenders.
23 Apr 45 Soviet troops reach Berlin.
25 Apr 45 The last German troops leave Finland.
25 Apr 45 Soviet and American troops meet on the Elbe.
25 Apr 45 Heinrich Himmler begin negotiations with the allies.
28 Apr 45 Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisans.
28 Apr 45 The allies capture Venice.
29 Apr 45 The allies liberate Dachau.
29 Apr 45 Hitler marries Eva Braun.
29 Apr 45 Soviet troops capture Ravensbrück.
30 Apr 45 Adolf Hitler commits suicide. He names Grossamiral Karl Dönitz his successor.
30 Apr 45 Joseph Goebbels commits suicide.
1 May 45 The allies capture Moulmein, Burma.
2 May 45 The German troops in Italy surrenders.
2 May 45 Soviet troops capture Berlin.
3 May 45 The allies capture Rangoon, Burma.
5 May 45 Truce on the western front.

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