Tom McGuire's Most Exciting Mission...

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what you think that killing an old fox that will soon die anyway and has spand it's whole like killing farmers livestock is cruel?? well isn't putting down all the tens of thousands of hunting dogs cruel?? and it's been going on for centuries, why ban it now??
Well the hunting dog training will stop after the ban, meaning only the current ones need be killed. And if the fox will die soon anyway, its bound to be better to die quietly than to have loads of dogs chasing you and ripping you apart. The fact that they kill livestock is natural for them, its the farmers fault for failing to protect them well enough. Im bloody glad its being banned with dogs thankyou very much.
Its also natural for dogs to hunt and kill many forest creatures such as rabbits and fowl and rodents and ect ect.....

Foxes arent the only thing on the dinner menu...

Wild dogs hunt in packs.....

Maybe u can go to the African Savannah and start a protest there over the Thompsons Gazelle Hunting and get that banned too.... Oh wait, that happens naturally in the wild doesnt it??? HHmmmmm...

Gazelle Hunting..... Dogs in a pack.....
Fox Hunting...... Dogs in a pack...
Well the hunting dog training will stop after the ban, meaning only the current ones need be killed

what so thet makes the needless slaughter of tens of thousands of dogs acceptable, and it's been going on for centuries, why stop it now??
Does that makes the needless slaughter of tens of thousands of foxes acceptable

fox hunting is not needless slaughter, it's only the old foxes that die anyway and how else do you suppose we kill all the foxes that kill our livestock?? and ask yourself this, if these were wild dogs killing the foxes, would you try and stop them??
No. Because they are wild and they need to do it to survive. But these dogs are trained to kill foxes, they dont need to be, people feed them. Whats the point?

And that brings me back to my orginal point; if they're old foxes that will die anyway, why not leave em to die peacefully, rather than have hundreds of dogs ripping em to shreds?

Put yourself in a similar situation, would you rather die peacefully in your sleep, or chased by hundreds of serial killers through woods and over moorland, being ripped to shreds by knives and stuff. And dont say the second one cos i'll know you're lying....

Too damn right GrG, the TSR2 would have been so cool..."The greatest plane never built." Actually I think they built 2, and there was a 3rd one halfway through being made when the project was cancelled. Im not sure, I have a book on it somewhere...
Part of the reason McGuire was killed was that he knew he was going to be pulled from combat and wanted to be the leading scorer. He pushed to keep getting missions and to keep getting kills.

In his last fight, whaddaya think? Did he order everyone to keep their drop tanks in hopes that after this easy kill, they could find another on the same patrol?

Uncle Ted

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