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Senior Airman
Jan 24, 2008
St.john's Newfoundland
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone knew of a sight that posts top speeds of the 14, 15, 16, 18, and the super 18. Something that looks or is official. This guy I work with says the Tomcat tops out faster than the Eagle (NOT) and the Super Hornet goes .....are you ready.....Mach 3. Mean or not, i'd like to rub it in his face.


I am not an expert but the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird did mach 3.2+ and concorde cruised mach 2, look at those two airplanes and then look at a super hornet. I am sure it is a great aeroplane but "mach 3" I dont think so. Just imagine if it could do mach 3 off a carrier and having to perform combat manouvers how fast it would be if it was just designed for max speed?
There are many accounts of the SR-71 doing M3.6+ in operational missions. I wish I had my AvWeek quotes of Blackbird pilots where they not they pushed that envelope fairly often. I specifically recall a Nicaragua mission where they did exactly that.
MiG-25 doesn't look like it could do Mach 3 either but the truth is a different matter. Looks don't tell the whole story.


and many of those accounts indicate that the MiG also destroyed its engines and was subsequently grounded. I recall reading specifically about a MiG-25 flight over Isreal from Syria that landed in Egypt prematurely.
I recall an experimental high altitude bomber in the '60s the Valkyrie that was well over mach 3. never in production it was cancelled after the U-2 incident proved Russia had high altitude SAMs and i'm pretty sure the X-15 still holds the speed record though that's a rocket engine
and many of those accounts indicate that the MiG also destroyed its engines and was subsequently grounded. I recall reading specifically about a MiG-25 flight over Isreal from Syria that landed in Egypt prematurely.
I am quite aware of that, Matt. But my point was merely that aircraft like the MiG-25 may not appear fast but sure are.

Nice to see you again btw Hope you're fine!

Yes, the XB-70 was quite an achievement for the time, but the improved SAMs of the Soviets, rising costs in the program and the relative affordability of ICBMs put an end to it. Shame too, it was a beauty.

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