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Lee it brought back memories of a trip to Florence, wash hanging off crudely set up lines, people everywhere, hot and humid, and folk pulling off the side of the road not waiting for the occasional rest stops to take a leak. So interesting to see the dry looking sandy colored castle walled cities of old on the route from Roma to Fierenze
Thanks GN, lets hope when I go to FL at Duxford I can get some aircraft pics worth posting. I shall also be going to the Shuttleworth show the week before to get some practice in weather permitting on both occasions of course.
Sunday saw our local militaria show so I went along and got some pictures


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Cheers Eric, I was invited by the Royal British Legion to join while their and attend the Normandy veterans 65th memorial visit with them. I may take them up on it as most of the guys are in their mid 80's and for many it will be their last visit. It would also be a good chance to record some experiences before they go the same way as my old man and join the parade ground in the sky.
I agree Eric
I nipped over to my local airport (Southend) today and the old Vulcan was having an open day, their trying to raise £54000 to get the engines re-fired up and carry out a few urgent repairs. the hatches were open and I managed a quick visit to the flight deck heres some for the album including the cockpit, the R.A.T, the equipment bay and the Radio and navigation modules and the bomb bay.


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