My wife and I had dinner and a movie on Saturday night. I dropped her off at home and headed to work. I was working the graveyard shift at the B&O Alida Tower which was located in a remote area about ten miles from home. I got within three miles of the tower when an Indiana State Trooper waived me down at a road blockade. He wanted to know where I was headed.I told him who I was and where I was going. He said "are you aware there has been a train wreck at the Alida Station". I responded "no" and he lead me to the site. The crack B&O Capital State Limited passenger train from Chicago to Baltimore hit an open siding switch at about 75 MPH, the diesel stayed on the siding track and all other passenger and dining cars slid off on their side. Dinner was being served at the time. The miracle was no one was killed. I set down and spent the shortest 8 hour period of my life running both East and West bound trains on the West bound track, answering telegram requests inquiring about people on board, sending reports from B&O officials on the site to Baltimore and New York. One amusing thing did happen when accounting for the crew on the train one porter was missing. Another member of the crew said "I saw him running away through the corn field". It was a night to remember.
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