Tread design for Bong's P-38 Marge?

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Jan 20, 2007
Pasco, WA
Anybody know for sure whether Richard Bong's P-38J-15 42-103993 in Cape Glouster, 1944, would have had either diamond or block tread? I can't find a clear picture that verifies either one. The one below looks to me like it could be either one.


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Maybe these pics can help.The first pic seems to be taken earlier than the second one which was taken in April 1944

Source : R.Pęczkowski's book "Lockheed P-30 J-L Loghtning" Mushroom MMS publication No.6109.


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The next to last photo shows something that is of interest to me. The port auxiliary fuel tank has quite a dent in it. I'll try to simulate that. Most models of Bong's P-38 I have seen are done as restored "warbirds". I'll try to make mine as the plane was in 1944.

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