Try telling me that they don't know

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1st Sergeant
Jun 15, 2011
Fresno, California

They truly do understand. These two were about to be executed at a shelter in Georgia. Fortunately someone rescued them sparing their lives. Look into their eyes and tell me that they have no idea as to what their fate is. Any one able to look into their eyes and not feel some kind of sorrow is a cold, heartless bast3rd lower than Whale sh!t and that's at bottom of the ocean.
Cats and dogs are a huge problem, so many dog/cat mills out there producing animals, people abusing them, etc. It's great when they get a second chance but rescue's are over flowing,sad. Then you got scumbags like this....Page not found swore after my Stella goes no more dogs


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You have a beautiful dog there. I keep saying no more each time I lose one and end up bringing another one in. All of my bark angels are spayed and neutered [wish we could do that to scum wads of all types].
That f#*k nugget should have his face blown off with fireworks and then be left to die in agony. When you take one from a no kill shelter you save two lives. The one you adopted and the one who will be rescued from the "slaughter house" shelters.
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I hate mistreatment of animals and dont like the idea of them being killed just because they arnt wanted (get them neutered/spayed) but those two have the look of dogs caught chewing the furniture.
govts can legislate to help a bit. In NSw, it is an offence now to be breeding domestic pets unless you are a registered breeder. All animals over 6months have to be microchipped, and if you are not a registered breeder, your pet must be de-sexed before registration.

Feral predation is a huge problem over here, and these measures have halved the numbers of domestic animals that wind up in care.

Even with all these measures in place, we still only have enough funding and pound space to provide shelter for animals for a maximum of 3-4 weeks, and often less than that.

Worst time of the year for abandoned pets is just after Christmas. Think twice folks before buying a pet for the kids....
While I am in total agreement with all of you about puppy mills and the cretins who buy dogs/cats from them then dump them when they don't act/behave as Disney movies portray. I have to say, AT6, just one word: ANTHROPOMORPHISM
While I am in total agreement with all of you about puppy mills and the cretins who buy dogs/cats from them then dump them when they don't act/behave as Disney movies portray. I have to say, AT6, just one word: ANTHROPOMORPHISM
Mike, A new word for me and had to look that one up, kudos for expanding my vocabulary. I will plead guilty as charged as I do believe they have emotions and understanding far above what most people believe in, therefore the reason why I love them more with each day.
While I am in total agreement with all of you about puppy mills and the cretins who buy dogs/cats from them then dump them when they don't act/behave as Disney movies portray. I have to say, AT6, just one word: ANTHROPOMORPHISM

I have the same feeling, post the picture as the pets of the dentist who killed Cecil (the worlds newly found favourite lion) and its different.

Happily Cecil's brother is protecting his nephews from an evil (yes they used the word) lion who will eat poor Cecil's babies if he takes over the pride. All his ignores the fact that Cecil and his Brother will have killed the prides cubs when they took it over.
I do not doubt for a second that dogs/cat/etc. have emotions, they are hard-wired into the mid-brain of all vertebrates. Dogs being pack animals are also wired to read the displayed emotions/signals of the rest of the pack, especially the alpha male/female. So my dogs have learned my emotional signals and their behavior changes accordingly.
Next time you come home after being gone for a while start the "WHAT DID YOU DO" and "Bad DOG". Watch how they "look" guilty.
The humans in that shelter were giving emotional signals to those pups who responded accordingly. Anyone who has raised a baby (human) can see how quickly they learn to manipulate adults.
Being mostly a farm-kid, animals were business. Dogs/cats came and went. I was also a pre-Disney kid for the most part so the only thing Bambi meant to me was Venison.
Now I have dogs today and they are pretty much my family. When Breena died after I had her spayed, I was devastated.
I really hope that reincarnation is real and that when these puppy-mill/dog fighting cetins die they come back as a puppy in a mill just like theirs.
As to Cecil, I hunt, but I eat what I kill. This moron with WAY too much cash hunts for trophies/heads only. I have always been against that and I hope he pays some severe penalties.
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It is my hope the the dentist will be extradited per Zimbabwe's request and that he will face any charges that may or may not result after a thorough investigation.

I once saw a dog being butchered in China, I will spare the details apart from it wasnt dead. There were other dogs there watching and they didnt seem stressed although they obviously knew what was going on. They were trying to be playful and "friendly" to get on the right side of the "alpha" it was a terrible thing to see, even the chines with me were visibly shocked. We put too much of "humanity" into pets, things like fear and being happy you can see in a dog but when people talk about "looking guilty" or "the cat that got the cream" it is a joke....cats especially dont have "expressions" they have a face which barely changes apart from the ideas we superimpose on them. The one dog that bit me looked perfectly happy and content until it lunged and bit my knee, it was an old ladies treasured labrador.
It is my hope the the dentist will be extradited per Zimbabwe's request and that he will face any charges that may or may not result after a thorough investigation.

I dont know about the legal situation, I think people like him should be admitted to a mental hospital. Africans carry guns because they can stop a lion. Hunting with a bow and arrow only makes sense when you have a couple of guys with rifles backing you up. These plonkers who want to hunt with a bow should be dropped off and picked up when they have made their kill. There is a picture posted today of a guy with a dead hippo and one of his arrows sticking out of it as if a single arrow would kill a hippo, a hippos skin is 6 inches thick the arrow wouldnt have done anything but made it mad and a mad hippo isnt a pretty sight. The same guy has a picture of himself with a dead Zebra. I dont know about the USA but anyone here saying they want to shoot a horse with a bow then follow it until it dies so they can take a picture and cut off its head would be admitted to hospital.
they just named a prominent doctor from the Pittsburgh area that was in on the same deal. IF....(and I do stress IF ) you can believe what you read/hear in the news..they coaxed the loin away from the protected area, they had no permits, etc....that is NOT a sportsman that is the act of a selfish person who has the money to do anything and figures he can. I do hope they extradite their butts back to Africa.
Dogs being butchered for meat is very common in asia and they are raised on dog farms for that purpose. They are no more "pets" than are Texas steers
My first experience was in Vietnam where I saw all these puppies in small crates in a "butcher" type shop. In all ignorance I asked why pets were being sold at a meat shop. The puzzled look, finger going in a circle side of head, and for the hundredth time: "America Beau Coup Dien Cai Dau" I have pics of Vietnamese dog meat shops but will refrain from posting. Shops are open air and carcases of just about every animal hang there on open display as well as whole roasted animals. The smells the flies are intense.
We do the same thing with cows, steers, calves, sheep, lambs, pigs, chickens, and horses. It is just done quietly and out of sight with just their parts in nicely sanitized plastic trays. When I was about 5 or so there were Poultry shops filled with live poultry. Pick your chicken, turkey, goose...and fresh chicken to go. They used to give me the turkeys foot to play with...pull the the toes move.
The goode Olde Days of Yore
I do not have a problem with someone eating cat, dog, whatever. if that is what they have to eat to feed their family and survive I cannot cast a critical eye on them. if food were scarce and my children starving and fido walked past me....but I do not fathom and condone it done in a cruel way. if you have the chance and means to kill an animal cleanly and quickly you should.
The Chinese believe that if an animal is in pain when killed then endorphins released make the meat taste better, what I saw was like seen in a horror movie, it is done in the street to show how tasty the meat is and that it is fresh. My Chinese translator was a young dog lover, the poor guy hardly slept for a week.

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