Two Lancs .... and the Vulcan!

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Just heard from my mate, who photographed the two Lancs over Lake Windermere - as soon as he's figured out how to get the pics off his i-pad, and transferred, I'll have copies. Not holding my breath, as he's a busy guy, but hopefully I'll get something eventually.
Terry Evan (and others who view VR.A first hand)

I want to thank you for your very kind appreciation of our Lanc in the UK this summer. My volunteer colleagues at the CWH museum followed every picture sent back to us via Twitter and your great posts here, with great envy.
Talking to the crew who returned on Sunday, one said it the best "WOW"
Thanks again from all of us to you folks in the UK for being gracious hosts. The President of the museum (and Lanc pilot) stated "We arrived as guest and we left as friends"
Thanks very much for the compliments, and great to read that last line.
If anyone at the Museum, or the crews and those associated with 'VeRA', would like copies of any of my photos, I'm happy to send them, at a larger size, free of charge. Just ask them to PM me, or PM via your good self, with an e-mail address, and I'll get it sorted as and when I have spare time.
It's the least I can do, in the way of a small gesture of thanks for bringing the Lanc over to the UK and, as it would be difficult for the crew, in particular, to take photos of both aircraft in flight, I'd be honoured to provide them with a selection of photos.
Note that this offer is only open to the crew, ground crew and those closely associated with the tour, and for the Museum itself - I'm afraid I have to draw a line somewhere, otherwise I'd be sending pics to every Tom, Dick and Harriet!

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