UFOs : REAL or BS?

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I just can not comprehend that we are the only intelligent life forms in the universe. There has to be another planet with life somewhere and they are probabbly watching us. Probably thinking how stupid we are too...

I think that if we ever made contact with another life form, it would come in peace and want to share there technology with us but we as human beings who are scared of what we do not understand will try and kill them and then who knows...
Well, me personally believe that as well - universe is so giant and if you assumme that it is proven that that close as Mars, there used to be water and bacteria... Anyone ever read Erich von Däniken? Some of it is BS, I know, but still very interesting reading...
maybe our little green friends have that kinda technology although no doubt they will have more pressing matters to attend to.......

failing that you could always take them to a local photo shop where they can do al kinda of crazy sh*t like that
Interesting thread. I've never witnessed anything of this nature myself, but I still believe that we're hardly alone in the universe. I've seen strange lights in the sky on occasion, but all were explained away to my satisfaction. That's not to say that I don't believe strange things can happen.

Parm, Paul Hellyer is a fruitcake. He always was. He was the Minister of National Defence way back in the late 1960's. Now he's just a nutty old man.
The UFO phenomena is too widespread to be ignored or dismissed. As I said, even if ISN'T approached as alien visitors, the category should be studied for the sake of what causes normal people to see the same basic thing all over the globe. I don't mean lights in the night sky or blurry reflections off a distant aerial object where there is no relative scale or reference point to use as a factorable guide. I mean the very clear, close videos that show an well defined object with obvious landmarks in the frame.

If it turns out to be some sort of weird mental/visual trick we ought to have option of someone seriously studying it instead of having the whole topic brushed aside by people before they even review the tangibles.

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