UN wants to ban Sinterklaas

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Hey hey, it's a children's event eh, cannot do that. I'll just wrap them in bacon I guess

No hahaha...I meant repelling the UN

Catapults firing bacon at the enemy? Ummm.... a cunning plan. I wonder if crossing the Rhine would have easier with such a devious weapon?

Mr Read...

Yes, that's me

Here's your coat...
What ever happened to MAJORITY rules??????????????????????
Why do the ones who DON'T like something have to win?

What is Wrong with Merry Christmas???? HOHOHO?????

Why can't our troops in you know where, NOT like a dry country and take alcohol in???????
Why can't a couple Kiss in public in Dubai? I DON'T like That law!!!!

Ad nauseum!
Actually the opposite is happening here. If we go there we're expected to respect their traditions and ways. But in the mean time we are asked to change our own ancient traditions. I'm very much willing to yield to the traditions and ways of the country I'm in, as long as they do the same to my traditions in my country. I would say that's fair. But here foreign people try to change our tradition that they don't even understand, while fot instance my wife still will have to cover her hair when in Saoudi Arabia. That's measuring in two different ways.
And that's a very sound point.

From what I am seeing, though, is that "they" are trying to baseline old traditions all across the board. Meaning traditions that define a people or region until there's no longer any definition.

This may not actually be the case, it's merely an observation of mine.
Political Correctness can go and f*ck itself and those doing their best to find things to whine over, to think for other, perfectly mentally stable, intelligent people....*two fingers and flipping the bird*..

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