Unable to connect to Spits Vs 109s

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May 25, 2008
Hello all, I keep getting a time out error with the title(CRT=2 Time out 1) Attached to it. Im running the newest AAA Mod. Cant figure it out
Well, maybe Im in the wrong place, but I thought I might get help on this issue. But I guess I was wrong. Sorry
You are probably trying to connect to a server that is using a version that is different than yours.
The CRT=2 is a check to make sure you have the same version as the host.

I just checked and found this on their site.

IL2 Version: "4.09m"
Mod Version: "NONE"

You will need to be running an unmodded 4.09m version to be able to connect.

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Thanks for your reply Weelsup... Although right below on that page is also the modded server too, guess Im not sure which one is running on hyperlobby.
Thanks for the Positive post though.

They probably have both running on Hyperlobby.
My guess is that you tried to connect to the unmodded version.

They do have their IP's listed so I think you could use them to connect instead.


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