Unofficial Bf 109-x GB: 1/48 Bf 109G-6 (Pt.2)

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Username: fubar57
First name: George
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Eduard
Model: Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6 Kit #BFCO19
Scale: 1:48
Add-ons: Stash decals

I'll let the caption do the talking. These are from "Captured Me109s" by Jacek Jackiewicz & Miroslaw Wawrzynski.



In 1944, famed Royal Navy test pilot Eric "Winkle" Brown put a captured Me-109G-6 through its paces and summed up the airplane as "Lethal."

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George - Some of those resin bits look amazingly detailed. Can't wait to see your magic applied to this build!
Already regretting it Ralph but I said in the Group Build aircraft one went to I said I would use everything else on aircraft two
The project ! The project ! The project ! The project ! The project ! 😁
Is...................? 🙃
She's a coming Steph
Added stuff to Post #1. The innards, excess resin to be removed shortly. Check out where they put the pour stub on the spinner


But first I need to remove the detail on the fuselage sides as shown by the red in the lower right


As you can see, as with many of my builds, chaos erupted. Wojtek and me did a lot of back and forthing in PMs and many more photos surfaced of my original choice had surfaced, thanks to the man himself. I felt that these would be beyond my abilities to reproduce faithfully so my next choice was the above aircraft so the Thread start has been altered to reflect this. Still missing the all important shot showing wing camouflage but I think I can get by using the leading demarcations and a quickly applied RAF fighter style as I'm thinking it may have been a "close enough for government work" thang. Anyhoo....modellin'. Removed the relevant resin bits from their blocks. Eduard shows the smallest pieces as being mounted in the same direction and then in an inset, show the opposite. Took a while on the webs to find a build the showed the most logical placing. There is a piece of PE that goes on the right side of the seat and again its pretty vague but five minutes later I think I know how to mount it

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I like your second choice, it's just as good and the details on those walls. WOW! But your the man George. :thumbright: :D
Thanks Vic. I hope I can do it justice when I paint it. Finally building. The little PE piece beside the seat required two bends, not sure what it is. The seat and lap belts are just posing. As is my wont, I get the belts bent before painting the seat to avoid scratching the paint. The belt on the left is two pieces and the right is three. I bent the belts first before adding the extras


I'll start attaching all the relevant resin and PE to the walls and floor that will be painted RLM 22 tomorrow and then spray
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They look good George and thanks for the tip. I never thought about dry fitting the belts before painting seats, great thinking outside the box. :thumbright: :D
Floor resin bits done. Last step for the floor is the three piece, six bend rudder pedals. The only issue I had with the resin, other than the two small fiddly pedal mounts was fitting the control stick in. The seat pan interfered even though it is flush with the bulkhead. I had to remove more than was required on the stick mounting lug and then file the front of the lug to allow the stick to fit forward a little more


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