Unofficial Fw 190 challenge - Interest?

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Ralph Haus

Tech Sergeant
Jul 24, 2016
Leander Texas
I, personally, have to clean house, Or just tidy up a bit. I still have 5 - 1/2 Spitfire kits that still need to be built (the 1/2 is another ICM) and don't believe there is enough time to do another justice for the time left in GB-62.

GB-63 is a few weeks away and I have a clean bench. Actually broke out an Academy Cutty Sark in desperation (not sure where it came from), but it is a smallish (1:350) and as such detail less. Closed that up and started enjoying some good cold beer instead.

My query. If I created another Unofficial GB (Fw 190s), allowing a 6 month build period, is there any interest in joining me? I have 4 1:48, 1 1:32 and a 1:72. The Tamiya would be my first pick; a soothing build after the last one. Besides it has a car!!!

My cleanup goal :

190 kITS TO BUILD.jpg
I have one that I could possibly pitch in with at some stage during the period but it would be a couple of months away before I could start. :lol:
Same with me. Busy summer, 2 kits for the Stormy Waether GB which starts in 10 days and I'm out of town for a week in late August so maybe I can throw something in around Octoberish (2024).

I also might have another quick Spitfire build to do before the end of August if deliveries work out.

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