Upload Manager Anomaly ?

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I've suddenly had a number of the Group Build icons appear in the section of the Upload Manager which shows files (photos) I've already uploaded.
Quite strange - is there a reason for this?
Not sure. The upload manager may record every graphic that is added - so while we have been trying to get the GBs up to date, it may have recorded the icons that we added. Maybe. :)
OK, what's going on? I now have loads of these icons, pushing my uploaded photos out, and slowing down every selection and upload I try to do.
Can it please be rectified ??!!!!
I have checked on this as well. No problem has been issued. The only thing is the my Manage Attachments option is open at full screen each time I want to upload . Or sometimes it is open as the folded window at the bottom bar. I think it is become there have been updates to all Windows and to Java. But the soft of the forum server could be out of updating fully. I would suggest updating your Windows and net browsers firstly.
Thanks my friend - I've done all that. I did notice that the 'manager' has sometimes, for no apparent reason, shown a small box 'No File Chosen', rather than the normal screen, and then all these Ju52s and other icons started to appear!
Selecting and uploading pics has now become quite slow, but again, it's intermittent.
OK. I understand. It looks to me like the area of the forum script has been damaged or been restored incorrectly. But it is an issue for Horse. He is the only one who can restored all files properly having an access to the server HDD.
Thanks Wojtek and Hugh. Yes Hugh, I've tried it in Google, IE and Firefox, with the same result.
It's not a major hassle, just irritating and time consuming - as long as admin / Horse are made aware, in case it's a problem for the forum, I can wait.
Thanks for looking.
Terry could you take a snapshot of the screen with the upload manager window? You can use the PrintScreen ( PrtSc ) button for instance....
OK, I'll try.
Hmm. Tried that, and nothing seems to happen. I'll admit though, I don't really know how to do this! I can take a photo of the screen, and upload that, if that will help?
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Terry, please use the PrintScreen key of your keyboard. It is the easiest way for taking a snapshot of a screen. If you push the button the area of the current screen displaying on a monitor is copied to the clipboard. Then go to the Irfanview, open it ( double click with the mouse on the soft icon ) and paste ( hit the Ctrl+V keys ). The copied screen will be pasted into the pic browser. Then you can save it as a file on your HDD.
Terry there is no need to look for the clipboard in the Irfanview. The kind of a "safe" in the RAM is created by the Windows and can be used by all software e.g Office soft Word, Excel, PowerPoint also the Win soft like the Paint etc... both for copying images , text etc...
OK, got it in Irfanview now, but can't re-size, as it fills the screen.


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