Thanks for the input, davparlr, I had a feeling things might be modular as a lot of things on the civilian side have gone to that for costs. Looking at projects that I have been involved with in the past, writing new code will always be quicker and cheaper in the long run than porting code to a new system. It sounds simple enough in the short term until you get chest deep into the project and find a bunch og unknowns, traps and god knows what else.
Having more programmers or developers doesn't always make things faster. Even with thorough design specs, how one interprets that and codes to it can sometimes lead to one piece not playing well with another, or providing contention for memory/processor, etc. Granted that having more eyes on a problem is not a bad thing, just that sometimes having too many engineers on something can lead to a mess.
Testing and QA cycles are also a big time resource. While I certainly see the need for thorough testing and "negative tests", that is probably where a big chunk of time is taken.
Having more programmers or developers doesn't always make things faster. Even with thorough design specs, how one interprets that and codes to it can sometimes lead to one piece not playing well with another, or providing contention for memory/processor, etc. Granted that having more eyes on a problem is not a bad thing, just that sometimes having too many engineers on something can lead to a mess.
Testing and QA cycles are also a big time resource. While I certainly see the need for thorough testing and "negative tests", that is probably where a big chunk of time is taken.