US General Warns Russia On Nuclear Bombers In Cuba

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Senior Master Sergeant
Mar 18, 2007
Jersey Shore, USA
Anyone remember the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962?

Jul 22 02:05 PM US/Eastern

Russia would cross "a red line for the United States of America" if it were to base nuclear capable bombers in Cuba, a top US air force officer warned on Tuesday.

"If they did I think we should stand strong and indicate that is something that crosses a threshold, crosses a red line for the United States of America," said General Norton Schwartz, nominated to be the air force's chief of staff.

He was referring to a Russian news report that said the military is thinking of flying long-range bombers to Cuba on a regular basis.

It was unclear from the report whether that would involve permanent basing of nuclear bombers in Cuba, or just use of the island as a refueling stop.

In his confirmation hearing to become the air force's chief of staff, Schwartz was asked what he would recommend if Russia were to base nuclear capable bombers in Cuba.

"I would certainly offer the best military advice that we engage the Russians not to pursue that approach," he said.

The newspaper Iszvestia on Monday cited an unnamed senior Russian air force official in Moscow as saying that Russia may start regular flights by long-range bombers to Cuba in response to US plans to install a missile defense system in eastern Europe.

A White House spokeswoman declined to comment on the Russian report because there had been no "official response from the Russian government."

Conducting long-range bomber patrol to Cuba would signal a reawakening of military cooperation by former Cold War allies Moscow and Havana, and recall the 1962 missile crisis that brought Washington and Moscow to the brink of war.

Over the past year, Russia already has revived long-range strategic bomber patrols in the Pacific and north Atlantic.

The Russian moves come amid rising tensions over the US missile defense plans, and warnings by Moscow that it will be forced them to counter them militarily.

Until now, US officials have shrugged off the stepped up Russian military activity, while insisting that a radar in the Czech Republic and 10 missile interceptors it plans to install in Poland pose no threat to Russia.

White House press secretary Dana Perino recalled assurances US President George W. Bush offered Russian President Dmitry Medvedev two weeks ago at a G8 summit.

"The president repeated that our missile defense system should not be seen as a threat to Russia, we want to actually work with the Russians to design a system that Russia, and Europe and the United States could work on together as equal partners and we'll continue to do that," she said.

"We seek strategic cooperation with the Russians. We want to work with them on preventing missiles from rogue nations like Iran from threatening our friends and allies," said Perino.

But Medvedev has warned that the missile defense project worsens regional security and will force Moscow to consider counter-measures.


Quid pro quo for the US anti-missile systems in Europe.
** you beat me to it sys**
Keep in mind gents Europe is a financial powerhouse too. If their economy goes TU over some tin pot oligarchy despot launching a nuclear lawn dart into a major European city, likely so does hours. And the money spent for interceptors becomes miniscule to the US economic losses.

Kinda like insurance. Pisses you off that you have to pay it, but when the fit hits the shan its nice to know your paid up.
I'm sure the US has bombers in Russia's back yard...Right

Guam?? Where? Within 90 miles of Russia's border. Nope. None in Europe. None in Japan. None in Korea. None in Afghanistan. None in Iraq. Heck, none in Alaska or Hawaii for that matter. Its what a 8hr one way flight over Chinese airspace from Guam to Russian airspace. Little different from Havana to Miami.
A nuclear standoff over Cuba - didn't I see this on the History channel?

Maybe this is just Russian nostalgia for the days when we were afraid of the big Russian Bear and everyone was ready to hide under their desk when the A-bombs fell...

Ver enlightened Matt - you are probably right too...

Doesn't the US have bombers in Japan Germany? Or could stage them from airbases there? And cann't they stage them from Diego Garcia through Iraq?
They flew Bears there all the time in the era 60s-80's can't see much difference . I would think they had at least several there all the time.

Just wondering is all Matt .."I" was thinking Germany or so..I am wrong as I see... ...
theres a great russian activity inside new york.... shopping.

the russians tourists are going to ny even more and more, and spending more and more, taking advantage of devaluation of dolar.

they dont have reasons to bomb usa. the offers are good and the discounts are even better. the great danger is if roman abramovich try to buy the ny yankees... then we will have the III world war !
A Cuban Crisis again......

And They say that the cold War i over, it was never over and it never will be.

If there is God in this world, may He help us and stop us from being stupid.
A Cuban Crisis again......

And They say that the cold War i over, it was never over and it never will be.

If there is God in this world, may He help us and stop us from being stupid.

i believe god exists but we have to do that ourselves, otherwise the hungry in africa and the middle east issuas would had been resolved since long time ago !
Just why do we insist in placing a missle defense system in a region of the world that doesnt want us there to begin with?

If the Europeans dont want it, let them handle affairs by themselves.
Just why do we insist in placing a missle defense system in a region of the world that doesnt want us there to begin with?

If the Europeans dont want it, let them handle affairs by themselves.

they can buy a defense system i they want. they have money for that.

but my question is why to push russia if the soviet union falled in 92 and they are a democratic free nation ? if iran cant drop bombs in europe, why do this missile defence ?

doesnt been more logical invite russia to nato and incentivate them to cooperate with the atlantic alliance ?
treat them as enemies and they will behave as enemies. the Soviet Union no longer exists, why keep Russia away from Western powers decisions ?
USA to invite RUSSIA into NATO???

Personally, I find that SO impossible to happen.....

USA doesn't want Russia and Russia doesn't want USA, that is how the things are.
well they plan to use the Cuban bases mainly for the refuelling purposes for the Atlantic patrol flights, it's what they did every year in 70ies and 80ies, so no really Cuban crisis here.

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