The following feature story appeared on our national news last week and is worth a look. Hank Jackson is a surviving Halifax tail gunner who served with 428 'Ghost' Squadron of the RCAF. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and chatting with Hank a few times when he visited the Bomber Command Museum in Nanton where we are restoring our Mosquito. Hank exhibits a modest dignity and downplays his wartime contributions that is very endearing. I wish I had my camera going when I caught an impromptu discussion between Hank and a German survivor of one of the raids on Magdeburg. Everyone had tears in their eyes at the end of it with Hank apologizing, unnecessarily of course, and the German fellow, who was then a child, was trying to console him.
Karl Kjarsgaard is a real dynamo who is heading up the Halifax 57 Rescue Project through the museum. He's looking for money!
Halifax bomber resurrected
Karl Kjarsgaard is a real dynamo who is heading up the Halifax 57 Rescue Project through the museum. He's looking for money!
Halifax bomber resurrected