Veterans Day

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I know this as fact friend but it shows pure allienation to these old warriors by those that DO NOT care one way or the other and take freedom for granted

wheres Teddy R. when you need him ?
Nothing I did compares to those that lost lives or saw combat but it's nice to hear a "thanks."

A "thanks" seems so insufficient and hollow to say to a veteran, at least to me. I mean what can you really say to express your respect, your admiration, your soul deep feeling of gratitude, to assure them that they'll never be forgotten, the humbleness that you feel towards them, the debt that we have towards them, never will be repaid in full, to let those veterans know that, if the day should ever come that here's at least one that's more than wiling to lift their mantle, to take over from where they left off, should the need ever arise....


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