Vic's Pics (1 Viewer)

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Thanks gents. Continuing with my run around Sicily.

More views of the Doric Temple ruins.

As seen from the top of the hill with some of the other views.

Sicily has an amazing road system, an example can be seen here.

Our tour guide who was English, lived in Rome and spoke Italian very well.

A interesting happening with these great roads, is the join between supports. As you travel over them there is a distinct clunk that vibrates through the vehicle. At the end of the day I would check my phone app to see how many steps I had take, just for the fun of it I might add. On this day traveling on that road to the heart of the Valley of the Greek Temples, I found I'd done thousands of steps even though I had walked very little. I worked it out that each of the road 'clunks' must have been recorded as a step.
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