Victory markings.....

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Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....

Bf 109F 'White 1' flown by Oberleutnant Wolfdieter Huy, Staffelkapitan 7./JG 77, August 1941..


Bf 109F-4/B (Wk-Nr 7629) 'Blue 1 Chevron/Bar' flown by Oberleutnant Frank Liesendahl, Staffelkapitan 10.(Jabo)/JG 2 'Richthofen', April 1942..

Not that I doubt that the '109 packed a heavy punch, but to sink ships with them....or are these markings on Huy and Liesendahl's carry overs, from when they flew other birds, Stuka etc.?

....and what are these for, on this Ju 52 tail? (looks like Marseille to the far left, or?)


(Profiles by Mark Styling)
The 109 was used as a Jabo attacking ships in the Med. Huy never flew the Ju87 operationally

Like on Allied bombers, the Ju52 markings are probably missions flown
Found this info on the Ju 52, this was a aircraft serving with 3./MSGr 1 and its VKz was 3K+BL. The 'kill' markings are mine detonations...
For those unfamiliar with Luftwaffe nomenclature MSGr 1 was 'Minensuchgruppe 1' (mine search group 1) whose job was to remove mines from the sea lanes. It was formed in October 1942 from 'Sonderkommando Ju 52 (MS) which itself had been formed in September 1940 for the same purpose.

The aircraft had a large electromagnetic coil fitted (magnetspule) and would fly at an altitude of 30m above the sea, at which height the magnetic field generated would detonate mines. The aircraft were known as 'Mausi' after the initials of the sub-type/coil, MS.

Both units had emblems in various forms of eagles plucking a mine from the sea, but unfortunately for any modellers I've never seen them done in decals!

If the caption is correct, then that can't be Marseille as he was dead, just, by the time MSGr 1 was formed. Of course it could be an aircraft from the earlier unit prior to October 1942 with a bad caption.


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None of them are wearing any decorations around their necks which seems odd if they are who are being suggested.
From that venerable source of facts, Wiki:

By early 1941 Huy's staffel served mainly as a Jaboflieger, flying ground support missions. During operations against Greece and Crete Huy carried out several successful attacks on shipping in an Bf 109F-4 coded 'White 1', (Werknummer 8334—factory number). III./JG 77 claimed some 34,000 tonnes of shipping sunk, including the 22,000 ton freighter 'Hellas' as well as damaging the Royal Navy cruiser HMS Fiji and a destroyer. On 22 May 1941 7./JG 77 attacked the British battleship HMS Warspite between 12:13 pm and 12:48 pm during the Battle of Crete. Oberleutnant Huth, Feldwebel Furth and Unteroffizier Pichler each had hit the Warspite and damaged her.

There were however cases where shipping victories were carried over, as in the case of bomber-pilot-turned-Wilde Sau fighter pilot Gerhard Stamp:

Stamp 109.jpg

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