Forum Mascot
Bf 109F 'White 1' flown by Oberleutnant Wolfdieter Huy, Staffelkapitan 7./JG 77, August 1941..
Bf 109F-4/B (Wk-Nr 7629) 'Blue 1 Chevron/Bar' flown by Oberleutnant Frank Liesendahl, Staffelkapitan 10.(Jabo)/JG 2 'Richthofen', April 1942..
Not that I doubt that the '109 packed a heavy punch, but to sink ships with them....or are these markings on Huy and Liesendahl's carry overs, from when they flew other birds, Stuka etc.?
....and what are these for, on this Ju 52 tail? (looks like Marseille to the far left, or?)
(Profiles by Mark Styling)