Vid Clips from lesofprimus.....

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Glad to know Im always in ur hearts and minds fellas....

As u guys Im sure are aware, Ive seen alot of bad horrible things in this life, and Im a pretty twisted individual to boot, so some things that are rough on some dont really affect me very much... My wife bitches constantly at me about it.... (hint hint, dont be a pussy lol...)

And that car vs humans clip is pretty bad.... I counted atleast 30 people that probably died in that clip...
Time to bring it back....

A re-new posting of a clip I put together to the music of CLUTCH...
Guy cathes Tarpon, Hammerhead catches Guys Tarpon....
Jungle Gym Moron....
Complilation of people busting their ass...


  • 0Dans Willie Nelson.WMV
    5.3 MB · Views: 63
  • Hammerhead vs Tarpon.wmv
    9.2 MB · Views: 67
  • jungle-gym.wmv
    1.2 MB · Views: 54
  • Falling Hard Comp.wmv
    3.2 MB · Views: 85
good job on the one you edited. which edit software do u use?

I never saw the clip of the jet exploding over the naval vessel. Where was that?

I miss Ogrish!
I liked it and your timing for some clips was perfect. But what in the hell are we shooting US TOWs at British Challengers for? Was this a test, or did you mean it was an antitank missile and not the US TOW specifically? And the initial explosion looks too small. Perhaps an APFSDS with spalling causing secondary explosions?

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