Vid Clips from lesofprimus.....

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The guy in the Bronco got lucky, I have seen guys get crossed up on the top of a hill like that and come tumbling down in a long roll that destroys the truck. The driver typically doesn't fair well either. Cool stuff.
Few more...

Guy goes kite surfing and falls from 100 feet up....
Fella wrestles a HUGE anaconda and its bites him and wont let go....
One of the worst bike crashes Ive ever seen....
Car swerves to miss bus and slams into some people....


  • 100footdropfromkite.wmv
    1.9 MB · Views: 54
  • Anaconda Man.wmv
    4.9 MB · Views: 63
  • bike dumbass jumper.wmv
    1.8 MB · Views: 71
  • car pedistrianstakenout.wmv
    632.9 KB · Views: 81
the guy on the bike is lucky he didn;t just break his neck the angle in which he fell. As the guy at the camera kept yelling at him ............ go faster knumb nutz go faster !

kinda weird but I remember getting splattered a few years back off my bike by an old hag driving a rambler. hit her at 30mph actually she hit me when I was doing that mph threw me into a telephone pole, split my helmet wide open from front to back and I only came away with a slight back injury thank God ................ but what did I learn from it ? absloutely nothing, I'm still rippin the pavement harder than before

good lord Erich that must have been more than a few years ago if someone was driving a Rambler. Rambler the first North American car with a reclining front seat a true innovation of the highest order in my mind
actually about 10 years ago. heading east rippin it, a stationary target she was from my vantage point and then her left blinker comes on, and I thought, man you better slow down this doesn't loooooooooooooook good .BAM. !!

the hag pulls up while I am laying on the pavement and says to me, whats the matter didn't you see me. I struggle to get off the dust, dirt and glass, and tell her I had the right of way and to pull her car over to the side so we can talk.....I'm seeing stars and dissy as all can be, my helmet fell off my head-the side that was busted, my front forks on my bike and handle bars are twisted, and I go over hobbling after smacking the tele-pole to pick up my piece of junk of a bike, turn around and she is gone ...................... hit and run

I have that tan Rambler imprinted on my mind to this day
well that old bag of wind has probably left this green earth, but the whole thing slightly psyches me out when I travel in that area. When she hit me she stopped and the bike with me attached must have flown about 12 feet in the air over her engine hood and the top of her car into a tele-pole some 15 feet to the SE of her stopped car. man, if someone could of been there with a video camera they could of made big bucks on TV. In fact after she left and I was trying to shake the jitters out and older couple comes up and says they saw the whole thing and asked if I got her license number down ............... yeah right, I wish

Dude tries to show off with a backflip... TRIES....
Guy gets new Goldwing, not new for long....
Drag biker gets hand blown off....
Bus crashes in the rain....
Motorcyclist hits deer....
Just when u hook a huge Tarpon, those damn sharks come around...


  • backflip moron.wmv
    489.1 KB · Views: 69
  • Bike Goldwing Meatball.wmv
    1,003.9 KB · Views: 68
  • bike racer gets hand blown off.wmv
    450.9 KB · Views: 53
  • Bus Crash in rain.wmv
    2.4 MB · Views: 59
  • Bikier hits deer.wmv
    1.1 MB · Views: 63
  • Shark eats tarpon.wmv
    2.3 MB · Views: 82
A few more...

Firefighters get caught in a backdraft, several bad injuries...
Show off on his HArley passes on a curve and goes over a cliff...
A crane working on a bridge falls off into the water...
Dude riding his crotch rocket losses control and hits concrete wall...
School bus rolls over, kids inside go for a ride...
Car hits a gas pump while another guy fills up... Boom!


  • backdraft.wmv
    525.7 KB · Views: 73
  • bike Harley off a cliff.wmv
    3.1 MB · Views: 77
  • Crane falls from bridge.wmv
    2.5 MB · Views: 61
  • bike dude hits wall.wmv
    1,008.3 KB · Views: 71
  • Bus Flips.wmv
    647.2 KB · Views: 63
  • car hits gas pump.wmv
    853 KB · Views: 74

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