'Videos of the Day' an ongoing thread

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About the C-130- i know it was developed with short-ish takeoff in mind, but my oh my that bird never stops to amaze me. "Hey lets land one on a carrier", "hey lets slap a 105mm howitzer on it and let it blow the crap out of anything". That's a good definition of "adaptable."
Cheers chaps - I have always been awed by the AC-130 Specter... saw inside one once, the guys said the noise level is unbelievable... and gets worse when they fire the guns!

As for the F4 clip, I would prefer they let us hear the sound of the plane rather than dub muzak over it... probably some technical reason why they do but sometimes it's great most times it is irritating.
Sea Kings are probably the best sight in the world if you are being rescued.

Meanwhile, here is a clip sequence of future helo's and th'Osprey's antecedents.


  • helo-54_109.wmv
    9.9 MB · Views: 40

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