'Videos of the Day' an ongoing thread

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Onwards and upwards.... have just finished a book in that Osprey series about F14 operations in Iraq. Marvellous. Virtually no AAC - all C3 and LGB/JDAM ATG ops. Few would have predicted that.
Will be bringing you some bits of a doc about the film and the actual events - has its moments.

Meanwhile I downloaded a bit torrent compilation of weapons clips the other day and thought you would like to see the best.


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Top work old chap,

Didn't realise the AIM-9 packed that much punch, I can see why you'd want to eject sharpish after being hit as well, didn't take long for the F-4 to disintergrate
more missiles - AMRAAM
I was reading a book the other day which said the Yanks are happy to sell you the AMRAAM but they keep the best version to themselves... RAF ADV guys went up against LW F4s with it and beat them using good tactics and Skyflash.


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Weird coincidence this... I mention ADVs vs AMRAAM and in the news was the very first firing:

The UK Ministry of Defence's (MoD) Tornado F3 Sustainment Programme (FSP), primed by BAE Systems, has achieved a significant milestone with the UK's first firing of the latest (C-5) variant of the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) AIM-120.
The Museum of Science and Industry has had a spot of luck in its quest to find out more about five women who signed a World War II Spitfire plane it owns.

A story about the signatures, discovered inside a hatch of the British plane, appeared a few months ago in a local Wales newspaper near where the Spitfire was serviced and ultimately dismantled for shipment to Chicago.

Barsteward, how dare you stop the video halfway through, I was finding that most fascinating, love that bit in the beginning with the armourers slinging a bomb over the shoulder as if it was a sack of cement or something

Skyflash achieved the best results for an air to air missile ever when it was tested in the USA. Made the Yanks own AIM-7 look like the junk that it was

Most other countries like Russia and Israel will happily sell you superior missiles to anything america can provide .
My little game. Keep 'em wanting more as they say!

The Sparrow seldom gets talked about let alone having a book on the subject. No matter how good your fighter plane it has to have a better weapon system than the other guy.

As Vietnam showed, for a variety of reasons (not all technical) the Sparrow needed a lot more work to be any good.

Lawdy knows how good the NATO partners' versions were. Money well spent on improving it to make Skyflash.

BTW I am quite interested in all this because I write about the electronics for such things for a living. Always been interested in EW and avionics tho.


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