'Videos of the Day' an ongoing thread

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I am feeling fed up. But I know I should not expect to be feeling any different. I should not still have such expectations of TV documentaries. After all these years of trying to make the best of them hoping something good would come along.

Alas it is back to square one. I refer to the Channel 5 (UK) doc series 'Warplane'. Tonight it started fairly well. Some reminiscences about WW1 and photographing the trenches. Then something about Sid Cotton and RAF PRU Spits. Then it began to lose itself with some dubious tosh about radar. The adverts came and when the prog returned so did my depression.

Here we go again. From the Spit it jumped straight to the U2. Then the SR-71. FCS hasn't this all been done to death millions of times before? Anybody would think there was nothing else. How can anyone do a prog about aerial recce without mentioning the Mossie or Canberra? You can forget about learning anything about the actual photography - just another history lesson we have heard too many times already.

So I turned it off halfway through.

I despair. I wonder if there is only one plane documentary. All the ones after it are just the first one cut and pasted in a slightly different way. Usually it's about Yankee planes and little else. This is for two reasons. One it is going to be sold to the Yanks (even tho they like to see stuff about non-US planes) and two, it is easier to get the footage.

If I hear someone explain to me what SAM stands for again I reckon I will scream!
I can't even remember the last time I watched TV, dont miss it at all, all aimed for the stupidist common denominator, I'm certainly not paying a licence for the bollocks thats on these days. If there is the odd good program is will find it's way to DVD where I can watch the series at my own leisure rathe than theirs and sans irritating adverts.
What you have to be is selective. Even tho I moan a lot (always have) there is still enough to watch... we have Sky+ so you can program it to get the progs you might like. Then delete them if you don't.

Plus I have tons of old videos of motor sport etc. Plus we rent DVDs from Amazon and the local library. So we waste too long in front of one CRT or another.

Besides, who needs TV when you have WW2net?
As you probably have gathered I am unimpressed with Discovery Wings. In fact I seldom watch it. They only show repeats - the occasional new thing comes up but it is usualy awful. The other doc channels are just as bad whatever you are interested in transport etc. Weird thing is they all have ad breaks at the same time so you can't channel surf away from them.

Better to buy some videos off EBay - they are really cheap.

There are 4 of us so we need to record stuff so as not to clash. My son likes the soccer and I like motor sport so when that's on it's great. Films are generally crap.

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