Vintage warbirds in 1024x768

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
I have been playing around with Photoshop on some older, and newer images to create a vintage look with sepia. I thought I would put them up for your folks to enjoy as well.


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I am a big fan of B&W. I thought Sepia had more of a brown tone. I love the first two shots. Prop plans look better in B&W.

I vary my level of sepia depending on the mood of the shot. Here is my next installment.


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Great shots. Love the polished aluminum look on that Invader. Gotta be noisy as hell inside those twins, big engines close to the cockpit.
Not yet. I missed AO when it was here a few years ago and bellied in at Van Nuys. It will be coming back in April here. Whether I get to go see it or not is kinda up in the air as I have a "special event" to shoot while it is here. I can't divulge any details at this point, but it will be cool. Whether it is cool, or REALLY cool remains to be seen. ;)
Not yet. I missed AO when it was here a few years ago and bellied in at Van Nuys. It will be coming back in April here. Whether I get to go see it or not is kinda up in the air as I have a "special event" to shoot while it is here. I can't divulge any details at this point, but it will be cool. Whether it is cool, or REALLY cool remains to be seen. ;)

That's cool, good luck with your special event. I'm thinking of trying to do some black and white photo's this year at the EAA. My mom has some very old camera's for decoration that I'm thinking of borrowing and trying to use if I can find film for them. Cant remember off hand models but will know more this coming weekend as I am going home for 4 days.
Cheer, Wildcat!

Here are a few more, including a rare Stampe et Renard SV-4C (rare in the US anyway). And the cub isn't technically a warbird, there were some that were.


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