WANTED: B-17E photos

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May 7, 2006
I am trying to compile as many pictures as I can of the 512 B-17E's that were built by Boeing during WWII. Early B-17E models had flat nose cone and no chin turret. The photo album of this website has been a tremendous resource.

If anyone has any pictures of B-17E's out of books or magazines that they'd like to share, I would appreciate it. Serial #'s would be great too! I've Googled as many photos as I possibly can!

I'll have to go through my old magazine stacks, but I'm pretty sure theres an article or two from "Air Classics" in the '90s which had the B-17E. I seem to recall one having been found pretty intact in a junkyard, and another issue with a photo spread of early-model 'Forts.

I'll give it a good going over this weekend if I get the chance and get back to you, most of those issues havent seen the light of day since before I went to basic.
Hi Sputnik 34,

Heres a few images that ive found in some of my books so far


  • preproduction B17 E taken from B17 in action.jpg
    38.8 KB · Views: 237
  • B17E 1943 new Caledonia taken from B17 in action.jpg
    368.2 KB · Views: 288
  • B17E 41-9045 in UK taken from the B17 flying fortress story.jpg
    99.3 KB · Views: 226
  • B17E assembly line taken from B17 in action.jpg
    383.5 KB · Views: 243
  • B17E nose interior taken from the B17 flying fortress story.jpg
    201 KB · Views: 274
Hi Sputnik 34 !!!
There my small contribution.Source unknown:


  • B-17E.jpg
    72 KB · Views: 220
Not sure if these are all Es, but they lack the chin turret.


  • PB1W2.jpg
    29.4 KB · Views: 184
  • qF88425.jpg
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  • uL16667.jpg
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  • tg62771.jpg
    47.4 KB · Views: 215
  • qU40341.jpg
    11.9 KB · Views: 239
  • MY22_006.jpg
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  • o481728.jpg
    7.4 KB · Views: 186
B-17E 41-2489
93rd BS, 19th BG

This ship is the subject of the painting above, posted by Concorde.

While in Australia.

A rather optimistic scoreboard!

The nose art, which incorporates the 93rd BS insignia.

All above photos were taken from "B-17 Flying Fortress" published by Squadron/Signal.

Some color shots of the prototype B-17E.

These four photos came from a Boeing website.
If you want the four pages about B-17E serie coming from the magazine :
B-17 Flying Fortress - Part 1 - In detail scale - Aero Publishers, Inc USA.
Mail me, more simple for it, and the site won't get trouble with copyright.
I will give you an adress that links to "Caverne d'Ali Baba" !

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