Warsaw Rising: The Forgotten Soldiers of World War II

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".... the Americans and British left them on their own"

How about the Soviets? .... who refused to permit air drops of relief.

"... D-Day, the turning point of WW2 ..."

Sorry Dominic but this is CNN BS, I think this story deserves more recognition but not by Fake News specialists

You are right, mate. This film made by my friend Tinus from South Africa is better than CNN production... View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIz8zYjmRLw&t=4s
This is great.....but it ignores the first huge uprising that took place in the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto in the spring of 1943.
The last 55,000 Jews who were laborers in the ghetto, decided to go down fighting rather than be shipped off to Treblinka.
The Jewish uprising was fueled by people that were initially armed with about 7 rifles and 50 + or - hand guns, and Molotov Cocktails. A few home army people (AK) aided the Jews, but not as much as they could have. Read about Mordechai Anielewicz....... The ghetto uprising resulted in the leveling of the ghetto....which was finished after the 1944 Home army uprising...

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