No, it did NOT fill the role of a high altitude bomber. It wasn't used at high altitude. And it was supposed to be practically invulnerable, that was the whole point of it being built as a high altitude bomber. But it wasn't used like that, so it did get losses.
What is the definition of high altitude and what loss rate qualifies for practically invulnerable? As noted in the early B-29 raids on Japan it was used at high altitude, losses were expected, the question being the definition of acceptable losses.
There was something better right away. And I was talking about world War 2 for reference. The B36 could fly higher and much farther, but it was SAC. And just because something is still used doesn't mean there isn't better.
This sort of reminds me of the quote WWII was fought with obsolete/obsolescent aircraft, there was always something better on the way.
He said there was nothing better for a while. I say that's wrong. The B36 first flew in August of 1946, 1945 to 1946 is not a while.
September 1941 the B-29 first flew
September 1942 the B-32 first flew.
July 1943 first YB-29 production
September 1943 first B-29 production
September 1944 first B-32 production (one, next in November)
December 1944 first TB-32 production.
March 1945 last TB-32 production.
End June 1945, planned production of 8,985 B-29 to completed by end 1946, with 172 B-32 by end 1945, 40 TB-32 by end July 1945, 13 YB-36 by end September 1946, and 87 B-36A by end December 1946 (but a note says 65 after December 1946)
August 1945 last B-32 production.
June 1946 final B-29A production. Bell started B-29B production in January 1945, apart from 1 B-29 accepted in February the factory produced B-29B until May, May to September it was a roughly 50/50 mix of B-29 and B-29B.
August 1946 The B-36 first flew.
August 1947 first production B-36A (one only)
October 1947 first B-50A production
December 1947 the B-47 first flew
May 1948 the second production B-36A
November 1948 first production B-36B
January 1949 first production B-50B, last production B-50A
February 1949 last production B-36A
April 1949 last production B-50B
June 1949 first production B-50D
August 1950 first B-36D production
September 1950 last B-36B production
December 1950 first B-47A production, last B-50D production
By end 1950 it was 22 B-36A, 62 B-36B and 14 B-36D built, along with 79 B-50A, 45 B-50B and 222 B-50D, the B-50 being the new medium bomber. As of 1 July 1950 the USAF had 1,787 B-29, 79 B-36, 96 B-45 and 258 B-50 classed as first line.
January 1949 there were 21 B-36A and 18 B-36B accepted to date, but there had been a landing gear failure in a production aircraft, all B-36 temporarily grounded while inspections done and whether restrictions are required. February SAC refuses to accept any more B-36 unless alternator constant speed drive fault fixed, compromise reached. April 1949 schedule delayed by one month to fix latent defects prior to delivery. In May winds of up to 90 mph damaged the tails of 29 B-36, repairs and strengthening underway, these changes to be incorporated in new production. The B-50D also had problems in 1949.
According to the 8th Air Force after removing diversions, unused spares and recalled missions there were 316,518 heavy bomber sorties airborne of which 264,618 were effective, 83.6%, the abort causes were 8.5% weather, 4.2% mechanical, 3.7% other reasons. According to the 15th Air Force there were 165,354 heavy bomber sorties airborne of which 128,598 were effective, 77.8%, the abort causes were 12.9% weather, 4.5% mechanical, 4.8% other reasons. According to the USAAF Statistical Digest the B-29 force had 31,387 sorties airborne, 29,153 effective, 92.88%, the abort causes were 0.06% weather, 5.21% mechanical, 1.85% other reasons.
"USAAF circular error by bomb weight, altitude not given, 100 pounds 2694 feet, 250 pounds 2078 feet, 500 pounds 1673 feet, 1000 pounds 1308 feet, 2000 pounds 571 feet."
According to the USSBS there were 87 oil targets in Greater Germany, 16 Hydrogenation, 9 Fischer-Tropsch, 40 refineries and 22 Benzol plants. The refineries had reserve capacity and so bombing them took a while to have an effect. Also at times it was not so much damage to the synthetic oil manufacturing part that caused the loss of production. Rather it was the cutting of water and gas supplies when their mains were ruptured.
Harris was enthusiastic about sea mining and usually attended SHAEF conferences, Spaatz tended to send a representative. Harris was not enthusiastic about specific economic targets but followed orders. If you look at the Bomber Command area attacks and the 8th Air Force attacks through 8/10 to 10/10 cloud in late 1944 and into 1945 they are similar as percentages of bombs dropped. Throughout the war the air forces expanded the definition of flying weather and bombing weather, but the flying always advanced ahead of the bombing, poor weather meant city strikes. Arthur Harris, as reported by Max Hastings, these two quotes are from different letters,
"It has always been my custom to leave no stone unturned to get my views across but when that decision is made I carry it out to the utmost and the best of my ability. I am sorry that you should doubt this and surprised indeed if you can point to a precedent in support of your statements. I am certainly able to quote precedents in the opposite sense"
"I will not willingly lay myself open again to the charge that the lack of success of a policy [Oil] which I have declared at the outset...not to contain the seeds of success is, after the event, due to my not having tried. That situation is simply one of heads I lose, tails you win and it is an intolerable situation ... "
US Official History, Volume 3 Chapter 18, p645. "By the last of November attacks on all the RAF's synthetic oil targets were suspended because they were no longer operating. Whereupon ACM Portal demanded the British share the losses the 8th had been taking by assuming responsibility for the two largest and most distant targets, Politz and Merseburg Leuna. The crippling of Germany's warning system in the west as the result of the allied victory in France and the increased efficiency of blind bombing techniques made such RAF missions possible, and they proved generally successful. Indeed, Speer, subsequently reported to Hitler that the night attacks were more effective than the daylight missions because heavier bombs were used and greater accuracy had been obtained."
When all of Bomber Command's oil targets were declared non operational in November 1944 Harris did not request more, that required Portal. Bomber Command kept attacking mostly Benzol plants throughout with small formations, but after the large raids on 21 November, over 650 bombers attacking, then a GH raid on 23 November with 162 attacking the next big raid was on Leuna on 6 December, then Ludwigshafen on 15 December.
Using Richard Davis' figures, short tons, the air force efforts are as follows, attacks on targets classified as Fuel Depot, Fuel Dump, O/Ben, O/R, O/St, O/Sy
15th Air Force, month, total bomb tonnage dropped / percentage dropped on oil,
May-44 27918.6 / 8.77
Jun-44 22871.7 / 37.38
Jul-44 27400.8 / 41.00
Aug-44 26174.3 / 31.13
Sep-44 19432.6 / 10.19
Oct-44 13271.1 / 23.71
Nov-44 14682.25 / 31.94
Dec-44 15580 / 45.37
Jan-45 5859.85 / 30.62
Feb-45 22593.3 / 18.72
Mar-45 28010 / 22.62
Apr-45 27347.2 / 0.64
Total 59,802.7 tons of bombs on oil targets out of 251,218.9 tons dropped in this period, all up 23.8% of the bombs dropped May 1944 to April 1945. Remove May 1944 and April 1945 and the percentage becomes 29.2% May 1944 to March 1945. Note the 15th Air Force as part of the transport plan was officially bombing the Ploesti Marshalling Yards in April and early May 1944 with terrible accuracy, thereby hitting the oil refineries surrounding the marshalling yards, counted as non oil raids above.
8th Air Force, month, total bomb tonnage dropped / percentage dropped on oil,
May-44 36006.6 / 7.98
Jun-44 58271 / 8.52
Jul-44 45212 / 15.22
Aug-44 47979.2 / 19.57
Sep-44 40348.1 / 18.93
Oct-44 43571.7 / 11.73
Nov-44 40455.8 / 39.61
Dec-44 41224.4 / 7.21
Jan-45 39004.7 / 7.31
Feb-45 51576.4 / 11.98
Mar-45 73715.7 / 12.93
Apr-45 46949 / 3.50
Total 76,060.5 tons of bombs on oil targets out of 564,314.6 tons dropped in this period. All up 13.5% of the bombs dropped May 1944 to April 1945.
Bomber Command, month, total bomb tonnage dropped / percentage dropped on oil,
Jun-44 64008.7 / 9.25
Jul-44 64226.3 / 7.66
Aug-44 74330.5 / 17.06
Sep-44 58498.8 / 7.68
Oct-44 68501.0 / 5.97
Nov-44 59240.4 / 24.04
Dec-44 54714.7 / 13.58
Jan-45 36643.6 / 27.59
Feb-45 51439.2 / 28.38
Mar-45 74969.8 / 28.28
Apr-45 38630.7 / 15.73
Total 105,770.2 tons of bombs on oil targets out of 654,404.8 tons dropped in this period. All up 16.4% of the bombs dropped June 1944 to April 1945.
Target allocations were not equal though. Bomber Command devoted a greater percentage of effort, along with the better weather needed for such raids, to invasion support until November 1944. The 8th Air Force was initially allocated more oil targets than Bomber Command, a situation that appears to have remained unchanged until November 1944. Note the following data ignores the attacks made on Czechoslovakian oil targets by the 8th Air Force in May, August and September 1944 and February 1945, 5 attacks 961.5 tons of bombs, and Bomber Command in January 1945, 1 attack of 959.6 tons of bombs. It is what happened when the bombers struck targets in Germany, when the Air Forces had the most discretion as to the choice of target during the SHAEF period of control.
Table is date, 8th Air Force bombs on Germany, tons / % of those bombs on oil targets // Bomber Command bombs on Germany, tons / % of those bombs on oil targets.
May-44 19880 / 12.89 // none on oil
Jun-44 13120.5 / 34.01 // 5443.5 / 83.82
Jul-44 29838.3 / 22.33 // 14670.1 / 26.14
Aug-44 23597.4 / 26.07 // 16119.3 / 11.49
Sep-44 34818.4 / 21.12 // 22955.3 / 19.56
Oct-44 43552.2 / 11.74 // 57679.1 / 7.09
Nov-44 37798.8 / 42.39 // 58870.2 / 24.20
Dec-44 41092.1 / 7.23 // 51132.1 / 14.54
Jan-45 38551.3 / 7.40 // 33218.9 / 27.55
Feb-45 51187.2 / 11.93 // 50891.2 / 28.69
Mar-45 72951.1 / 13.06 // 74969.8 / 28.28
Apr-45 35646.1 / 4.61 // 38103.1 / 14.80
For the 8th the percentage of effort devoted to oil targets is higher if you only consider targets in Germany compared with the total effort figures. For Bomber Command there is one clear exception to this rule, August 1944 when it put in a major effort against oil targets in France, mainly storage and depot targets, 9,156 short tons of bombs. For the 8th Air Force Oil, Chemical and Rubber targets were the number 1 target in November 1944, the number 2 target in July, August and October 1944, February and March 1945, the number 3 target in December 1944 and January 1945. If more bombs on oil targets were required the allied heavy bomber forces had the lift required.
Bomber Command from 1 January 1942. Raids 237, Attacking 23,296, Missing 361, Short tons 106,146.5
8th Air Force Raids 290, Attacking 30,407, Missing 586, Short tons 78,800.6
15th Air Force Raids 358, Attacking 25,961, Missing 716, Short tons 59,900.2
Another way of checking effort is to compare Bomber Commands percentage of effort against cities against the amount of non visual bombing done by the 8th Air Force. The USSBS European Theatre report 62, Weather factors in combat bombardment operations in the European Theater, target weather table on page 8 notes for around two thirds of non visual bombing the weather was in the "blind" category, 8/10 clouds or worse. The following table is 2/3 percentage of non visual bombing by the 8th // Bomber Command percentage of effort against cities in the Davis figures.
Jun-44 25.6 // 1.3
Jul-44 27.7 // 16.8
Aug-44 5.1 // 16.7
Sep-44 37.2 // 28.3
Oct-44 51.4 // 75.3
Nov-44 58.3 // 54.4
Dec-44 43.5 // 36.2
Jan-45 45.2 // 35.5
Feb-45 49.9 // 50.7
Mar-45 37.7 // 44.2
Apr-45 14.2 // 14.6
Note in December 1944 23.6% and in February 1945 69.6% of Bomber Command city strikes are listed as attacks on the "City and Railway Facilities" in the Davis figures, including the Dresden raid, they are included as "city" in the above table. Bomber Command strikes sent out after a specific target but encountering weather too bad to carry out that strike are usually recorded as doing city strikes, not a strike against the original target.
Any time the second figure in the above table is greater than the first is an indicator Bomber Command could be doing area strikes in more than just bad weather but there are the usual ambiguities, like what the actual weather was, and what the forecast was. In August 1944 Bomber Command did a series of strikes on German ports, including 2 on Konigsberg, some 950 miles from English bases, as part of an effort to help the Red Army by disrupting Baltic sea traffic. Although some of the raids had aiming points on the docks they are all listed as city strikes. In October 1944 there was operation Hurricane, and the GH trials. In February 1945 operation Thunderclap.