Wellington X wheel bay colours

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 10, 2011
Hello, as per thread title really. Can anybody please tell me the colour of Vickers Wellington Mk.X wheel bays please?

Thanks Chris
Hi Geo, it's a RCAF one that I'm modelling as well so that could come in handy.
Serial number was HE422 of 420 Squadron RCAF. Letters on the fuselage were PT * Q.

Cheers Chris
I'd be very surprised if they were not black (Night), as other Bomber Command aircraft.
Sounds good to me Steve, thanks.
Any other information on how this particular wimpy would have looked would be helpful.

Cheers Chris
Chris, PM me your email and what details you would like. Right now I'm scrambling to finish my GB#18 and I'm back in camp tomorrow afternoon so it might take about a week and a half to get you any info.

Thanks Geo, no rush as I'm working on my p-47 at the min anyway. Just wanted to work on the Wellington as an in between but for the time being ill finish off my Hurricane.

Cheers Chris

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