What annoyed you today?

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what annoyed me today. nothing really. just having to forestall some plans i have in near future slightly bothers me. possible lack of patience, oh i forgot. down at shopping mall today and every where i went to get away from some one elses screaming whining brat who needed a good whallop to its backside. screaming whining brat decided to follow me, becuase it thought i wanted to hear it. other than that not a bad day all round
Some idiot set there toast on fire at 3 in the morning setting of the fire alarm and filling a whole section of hall with smoke...

talking of which. train driver i occassionaly work with placed meat pie in mircowave oven for 17 minutes. he thought he had only put it in for 170 minutes to heat up. heated up alright at 12 minutes he had nuked meat pie to a crisps. at 13 minutes smoke began pouring from oven and 1 minute later it had set off all the alarms and smoke detectors in our work place. and the man drives trains. worrying prospect at 160 kph in control of 198 metric tonne of machinery
Hussars you hate fat people, well I am sure there are a million people that hate you just because of who you are.

Well first off i couldnt give one flying F**k what anyone thinks about me, really, but you cant assume what kind of personality i have just by what ive typed, Im actually quite an outgoing guy, and not as stupid, arrogant as you think, but you can think what you want, you think im gonna lose sleep because a couple of people who live all the way in Germany, Missisippi or in Novia Scotia think im an arrogant *******, F**K no
Listen, you posted 1801 messages on this forum so I think we might be right about you. Read back several of your posts and you'll see why 80% of peoples on this forum think that you are arrogant and can sound stupid sometimes too.

Like your weird ideas to always blame the US for everything bad happening to our country. Man, get down of your tree.
yee-haw it's Halloween and as I was putting in a 50 miler there wass quite an overweight chap of 300 lbs plus in a pink speedo by the side of the road...........arg it was 30F outside.

oh the visual !! barf icon please
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