What annoyed you today?

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History was a good choice. I took it and loved it except for the African History.

Being botherd on my sick leave by the people at work.
The instructor cancelled my flight last night 15 mins prior to the brief - so now I have to wait till monday to knock out my last flight of primary!
Tesco's wouldnt accept a £5 that had been in the washing machine because they thought it looked fake...arter about 10 mins deliberation between checkout staff they called the supervisor, who looked at me and my friend in a disgusted manner and said this looks like counterfeit money...Fags...SO I had to go out to the checkpoint and take £10 out of my car fund to pay for my friends lunch...

Also one of the teachers in the 6th form block not only announced he was anti fox hunting, but also a saboteur...wanker...
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