What cheered you up today?

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then I can start dreading the day guys look at her...

I hear ya' bud, already practicing taking apart the 12 guage by the kitchen table. Figure if they stick around after that, either they're serious or my daughter is really hot.

Thanks for the offical Attaboy Matt!

BTW- What's up with the camo. Is that what happens to the diaper when it doesn't get changed for a week?
Isn't she just adorable! I hope we get a girl next... then I can start dreading the day guys look at her...

Yeah... The day she'll start dressing up like a slut (like some pop music stars), and hang with 15 years old bastards who thinks they are gangsters because they listen to rap and they once sold a few grams of cocaine...

I'm not trying to discourage anyone of having childrens... I'm just telling the plain truth of today's life.
Yeah, a neighbors girl came home the other day dressed as a Goth. He went through the roof. And if I ever admitted what my wife and I did when 16, I would likely single-handedly cause a revision of the statute of limitation laws.
Yeah, a neighbors girl came home the other day dressed as a Goth. He went through the roof. And if I ever admitted what my wife and I did when 16, I would likely single-handedly cause a revision of the statute of limitation laws.

I know what you mean...

Did you (or your wife) ever got arrested as a teen ? Because my neighbor's youngest daughter (who must be around 15) got a "free ride home" by the Provincial Police last summer.

... And last week, she gave a hard time to her father. I couldn't hear them because my windows were closed, but I could see them argueing on the lawn. I wish I'll never get a girl pregnant... Because having such a child... Urgh !
How's that Comiso?

The company I work for has grown from 35 people to 70 in 2 months.
-- tons of growing pains----

I've worked here for 13 years. I'd reallly like to move cities but I'd probably be forced to move into an apt from my house.

Just whiney 40 year old, white man, cry baby stuff... I have no real complaints... It's just not what I imagined...

I'll look for new jobs tonight... I just hate to give up my house once I'm in the market!!!!!!!!!

I need a scuba trip!
Next door neighbour is moving up and donated me a better picnic table then the one I had . screw a couple of 2x 10 's on a lick of paint and I'm away to the races .And to be ecologially unfriendly also rec'd the fire pit I admired from a far

Jeez Comiso. How does an expansion equate to you having to downgrade to an apartment. The company is moving? And you can't because the wife works? Sorry dude. But I would scrub toilets before I lived in an apartment again.

Oh no no no... Daddy Kloby's gonna drop the hammer if she gets any crazy ideas like that.
Now you're talkin'!!!

Friend is letting me babysit his SNJ for a couple of weeks. I will be forced
to fuel it and give it exercise. Oh, the pain...

Hmmm...holding hands with a woman 20yrs my junior or holding hands with an SJN. I pick the latter. Enjoyable and will not result in my divorce.
Jeez Comiso. How does an expansion equate to you having to downgrade to an apartment. The company is moving? And you can't because the wife works? Sorry dude. But I would scrub toilets before I lived in an apartment again.

Cuz I don't want to stay with the Company. After 13 years i wanna move on. I live in a low-value part of the state. I have 100,000 in equity and but if i moved to where the jobs are in CA, the houses cost 400,000 - 500,000 +. I cant afford that.

100,000 in my pocket and i'll have to live in an apt.

or I can move to Costa Rica and sit on the beach and count money!
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