What cheered you up today?

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Finding a book advertised on ebay for £80 (and retailing at £100+ on bookfinder.com) - I picked up a very decent copy for £20 last week. Actually, more smug than happy :D
Yeah, I always enjoy a good buy too! Most of the books I buy are second-hand. I especially like it when I find some really old ones. I've got a dictonary which is almost a 100 years old. In bad condition but still...

Congrats, Kris. What profession are you pursuing? Entering the professional world is one step towards conservatism. We'll change you yet. :)

Really like Erich's siggy.
That would be cool. I've never heard Morello's solo stuff. Anything you have that we can get a listen?

No sports activities tonight. Just a quiet relaxing evening with the family.
I found out that Steely Dan is touring Australia. I'm there. :lol:
That would be cool. I've never heard Morello's solo stuff. Anything you have that we can get a listen?

No sports activities tonight. Just a quiet relaxing evening with the family.

Sorry I would have posted it last night but my net went on the fritz or something.

Here is one of his songs. I really like his solo stuff.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy28tZry7lc

Oh and lets see what cheered me up today.

1. Its Friday
2. Grill Party at a friends house tonight
3. Going Hiking with my wife tomorrow and a few in the country side and going to stop half way to build a fire and cook some food and enjoy the outdoors.
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