What cheered you up today?

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back from a hard 55 miler on the bike, no-one on the roads, light wind 61F cruising by the rogue river at a roadrunners pace .........

and now chatting with friends here with a cup of Kaffe : Jacobs Krönung and a piece of toast with apricot jam
excellent Chris ! boy do I miss the German food, have to travel 250 miles to my north for the faire, though when the mrs has time we party hardy with kartofel salat, brot, German bier, wurst mixed in with the potatoes. Her rolladen is pretty darn tasty as well as her sauerbraten

ok I'm hungry where the wurst
75F already this morning ? ah ............... it's only in the low 40's here with another 84F day predicted, a bit toasty and the plants are blooming everywhere.

a short road trip this morn of about 25 expected, this afternoon another great day with our adopted Oma and Kaffe mit Kuchen at 3 p.m.
At this dollar store my wife bought a bunch of these children's books. They were put together by some guy that worked for the BBC. Each included a CD of nursery rhyme sung by Britons. My kid loves them, and hearing nursery rhymes with the accent makes me laugh too :lol:
We got Matty a baby einstein dvd with little von beethoven symphony skits on it with hand puppets and other little baby skits. Apparently it's his favorite thing in the world :lol:
My son turns 23 today and coincidentally has his tie cutting ceremony
at Pensacola. I remain amazed I raised a kid without doing too much harm!!!
congrats 2 eagles, she will make you proud !

hey it quit raining, the sun is out momentarily, the Jap maples bark is glistening with a very cool looking green and the hermit thrushes are singing for their babes .......... time for a Bagel and cream cheese ......... a glas of wein later
Congrats 2 Eagles...

The weather turning into perfect Biergarten weather. Going to a nice Beirgarten tonight with my wife and a few friends for some light food and a beer or two and sit in the warm evening weather.
I wish ;)

any of these look good ?
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