What cheered you up today?

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Saw this on the back of a car.


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After making my latest post in the "What Annoyed You Today" thread, I decided to make a small search over the internet to find a Book Convention/Book Fair near me... There is one in Los Angeles (it's a bit far away... just a bit :rolleyes: ) and I found one in Miami, Florida (November 4-11, 2007). I took a look on their web site and that Fair looks pretty big.

It's also written that their exhibitor applications will be available on April 1... A weird idea is starting to grow in my head... A trip to Miami in November. It's a bit far away to make it in a pick-up truck full of books, but it would be awesome !

However, supplying the book could be a problem... Order them from PublishAmerica, load them in my pick-up truck, cross the border without any problem (the though part is "without any problem"), go all the way down to Miami, find the Fair in a pretty big city in which I never been, then go all the way back up to Québekistan and cross the border with all my unsold books a second time...

May be I should try to find one in New-York, Boston or Detroit... But still, the Miami Fair ends on November 11... Think about it ! My book is about WWII and I would be selling it on Arminstice Day !
Thanks! I'm proof making my way through flight school that you don't need to be smart to be a pilot :D

Wife and baby still sleeping. The house is nice and quiet for a change.
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